Student loan reprieve for Kiwis in Oz
Australia has made a concession in its hardline policies denying expatriate New Zealanders access to government support and welfare programmes.
Australia has made a concession in its hardline policies denying expatriate New Zealanders access to government support and welfare programmes.
I've just joined KiwiSaver and have to admit I'm a bit confused as to what happens to my money after it comes out of my pay.
Overseas student loan holders have been rushing to get in touch with the Inland Revenue Department and restart their loan payments.
A subsidiary of Allied Farmers has been served with a liquidation notice from Inland Revenue for $4.2 million.
The IRD is investigating up to 500 people it believes may have given themselves artificially low salaries to avoid paying the top personal tax rate.
The Inland Revenue is withholding GST refunds from body corporates with leaky buildings, even though it is pretty sure they are entitled to claim them.
Q: What constitutes a "regular trader" in terms of the tax man? How many properties and shares would you have to "trade" in a year, say, to be considered a trader and become liable to pay tax on the capital gain?
A Milton woman has received an apology from the Inland Revenue Department after claims it ignored her pleas that her name and ID were being used fraudulently.
Inland Revenue is not ruling out the possibility of a cyber-attack after it wrongly sent emails to 47 people yesterday.
Beneficiary cheats face not just the wrath of the law but a public tongue-lashing from minister Paula Bennett as well, writes Brian Rudman.
IRD has this morning obtained freezing orders over property in a company directed by Paul Webb, a former Dragon's Den judge.
The IRD has been flooded by a last-minute rush of confessions from people who paid themselves artificially low salaries to avoid the top personal tax rate.
Alesco, whose tax-avoidance battle with Inland Revenue is seen as a test case for disputes involving more than $300 million, is trying to appeal to the Supreme Court.
Expat Kiwis and jetsetting workers face higher taxes under a crackdown on residency rules.
Taxpayers are being warned not to fall for hoax phone calls from fraudsters telling them they are eligible for unclaimed money or a tax refund.
A businessman is confident he can win a 20-year, $4 million legal battle with Inland Revenue.
People who have paid themselves artificially low salaries to avoid paying the top tax rate should take advantage of an offer to confess while they can, says an expert.
Fathers paying child support are disappointed changes to New Zealand's child support system set to be in place by April 1 have been delayed a year.
Auckland firms that send engineers and construction staff to Christchurch for the rebuild have just learned their projects are going to be much more expensive.
Taxpayers who dodged the top personal tax rate by paying themselves artificially low salaries have until the end of this month to confess.
Landlords are crying poor and seeking financial assistance in the face of proposals to strengthen thousands of old buildings.
Confusion surrounds the ability of body corporates of leaky buildings to claim GST refunds, as the Inland Revenue seems reluctant to have its decisions in two leading cases stand as precedents.
At least 10 New Zealand fathers owe $1.3 million or more each in unpaid child support as the total national debt spirals into the billions with interest and penalties.
A former IRD employee has been sentenced to two years and five months in prison on dozens of fraud charges spanning nearly six years.