Vector wins $7.6m tax refund in court fight
Vector has won a High Court fight with Inland Revenue and says is now entitled to a $7.6 million tax refund.
Vector has won a High Court fight with Inland Revenue and says is now entitled to a $7.6 million tax refund.
Vector is in a High Court dispute with Inland Revenue about whether a $53m payment the electricity company received is taxable.
A 79-year-old accountant being chased for a $367 million tax debt has asked the High Court for orders to prevent Inland Revenue bankrupting him.
A woman who adopted a child has won the right to paid parental leave, after being told by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that she wasn't eligible.
Inland Revenue is warning of telephone scammers who are targeting people for money and threatening deportation and prison if it is not paid.
Claims on packets of Whiskas cat biscuits are misleading and create "a smoke and mirrors effect", the lawyer for a competing pet food maker has told the High Court.
Internet giants Apple, Google and Facebook will likely be targeted under plans for a crackdown on tax avoidance by big multinationals which Labour is set to announce today.
Donghua Liu is rapidly starting to rival Kim Dotcom in the wrecking ball stakes, so many heads are in danger from his dealings with politicians, writes Claire Trevett.
Inland Revenue has won a $367 million judgment against a 79-year old accountant for an unpaid tax debt.
A former Forsyth Barr investment adviser who poured $460,000 into a now-collapsed internet provider failed to impose discipline on the company.
Inland Revenue has gone to the High Court seeking a judgment against John George Russell for a $367 million alleged tax debt.
The Government has rubbished claims it is more interested in cracking down on benefit fraudsters than tax dodgers - trumpeting a return of up to $8 for every dollar invested in chasing tax cheats.
Taxpayers are flocking to websites that promise a tax refund — even if some take up to a quarter of a payout as commission.
The start of the new financial year on 1 April 2014 also means the start of new simpler, financial reporting regime for small to medium companies - though it's not likely to slash compliance costs for most businesses.
Alesco settling its tax-avoidance stoush is likely to lead to companies in similar disputes cutting deals with the IRD, say tax specialists.
Overseas scammers using a fake website nearly identical to the Inland Revenue Department's are preying on Kiwis in one of the most sophisticated attacks NZ officials have seen.
Most of those who seek to reduce their tax obligations are net contributors to our society, writes Damien Grant. The only complaints against them are they do not pay enough.
The chances of GST being applied to all overseas web-based retail purchases appear more distant after the Govt changed tack on a review into tax of online shopping.
Name suppression has been lifted on a Wellington accountant found guilty of providing false tax returns and misleading information to the Inland Revenue.
The Christmas holiday break is a great time to take stock, regroup and think about the shape of your business for the year ahead. Tax risk management should form a part of those reflections.
Editorial: If the IRD is known for unilateral and unexplained actions against its targets, Customs inhabits a peculiar twilight zone at the border.
Inland Revenue is starting to "overreach" by using "extraordinary actions" - such as freezing orders - in tax cases that are quite routine, says an academic.
A High Court judge has rebuked the IRD, calling its application to freeze $462,000 in the bank account of a Rotorua woman "misleading".