Foreign speculator tax forges ahead
The IRD IS proposing a withholding tax of 33 percent of a vendor's gain on a sale, or 10 percent of the total purchase price.
The IRD IS proposing a withholding tax of 33 percent of a vendor's gain on a sale, or 10 percent of the total purchase price.
If Australia's initiative works well enough, this country should be quick to follow suit.
A pharmacist probed by IRD for "possible tax evasion" has lost a bid to keep his identity secret.
Justices John Wild, Ellen French and Helen Winkelmann delivered their decision to dismiss the appeal, saying it was an "abuse" of the court process.
IRD staff are being hauled before their manager if they have even one day off ill, as the tax agency grapples with its high level of sick leave.
Consultancy firm EY says new rules aimed at tracking offshore property buyers could end up increasing compliance costs to taxpayers.
An agent from Auckland's biggest residential real estate business says some buyers are trying to beat the Government's new property speculator restrictions.
An Auckland real estate agent says "some groups of buyers" are trying to beat the Government's new restrictions on foreign property purchases due in October.
The former empire of legal-highs godfather Matt Bowden is disintegrating - three of his properties, worth more than $5 million, are listed for mortgagee sale.
Craig Elliffe writes: The officials' paper indicates an exemption will apply when you inherit a property from a deceased estate or have transferred as part of the property settlement.
The battle to bankrupt an octogenarian Auckland businessman over a $470 million tax bill continues as he argues Inland Revenue should accept his repayment offer.
The IRD has selected a US company as the preferred software supplier for its $1 billion-plus business transformation which will replace its ageing information technology system.
An unattended bag which was discovered in an Inland Revenue building was blown up by the bomb squad in an operation which saw people forced out of shops and businesses for hours.
John Russell has lost another IRD stoush, this time about a company which has been in receivership for 20 years.
A couple who did not declare more than $1 million in cash sales at their Auckland restaurant have been sentenced to eight months' home detention.
Prime Minister John Key says axing the $1000 kickstart grant to new KiwiSaver members in the Budget "will not make a blind bit of difference to the number of people who join".
Legal high company Stargate Operations is being chased by IRD for $850,000.
The IRD has released a summary of commonly made mistakes by non-professional property investors.
A crackdown on tradies' cash jobs is yielding "outstanding" results, says the tax department.
Inland Revenue now has a clear path to try to bankrupt an accountant who owes it nearly half a billion dollars.
KiwiSaver providers are struggling to move savers out of the default funds despite a requirement by the Government to give people more information on their choices.
Special team zeroes in on landlords and speculators, netting $258 million in unpaid tax in past 5 years.
Auckland tradies are being targeted by the Inland Revenue Department in a bid to recoup unpaid income tax.
Family-friendly working conditions also help parents of young children. These measures don't need to cost a fortune.
Greater resources for the taxman to investigate property deals are being considered in this year's budget.
A man who made up fake businesses to fraudulently claim GST refunds has been jailed for two years and three months.
A pregnant mum of two has been left with less than $300 a week to feed and clothe her family after a formula for child support payments came into force.