Home detention for $400,000 tax rip-off
A Taradale businessman has been sentenced to nine months' home detention for multiple tax evasion offences, despite having reimbursed
A Taradale businessman has been sentenced to nine months' home detention for multiple tax evasion offences, despite having reimbursed
The Government's crackdown on student loan borrowers in Australia has stepped up a notch.
Inland Revenue has launched a swathe of audits into the tax arrangements of international technology firms.
Move to cap deductions is delayed until next year at the earliest.
The rule introduced by the IRD)last year to curb house speculation is exposing some genuine home buyers to a significant tax liability.
The chance to take the top job was 'too good to be true', Inland Revenue boss Naomi Ferguson tells Tamsyn Parker.
A property developer's claims of an unfair tax trial have been thrown out by appeal judges.
The IRD has launched another campaign cracking down on tradies carrying out work for under-the-table payment.
The number of super-rich Kiwis on the tax department's radar has jumped.
The owner of an Auckland Chinese restaurant serving sharkfin dishes has been sentenced to jail for evading nearly $800,000 in tax.
Liquidators of league coaching legend Graham Lowe's former recruitment company are trying to claw back funds from one of its shareholders.
Trustpower may now have to pay nearly $15 million in tax and interest after losing a Supreme Court appeal.
IRD says a 10-year project to overhaul IT infrastructure and introduce new processes is tracking below budget.
Poor decisions made under pressure point to lack of resourcing, tax specialists say.
Properties linked to the Masala restaurant empire, restrained under the country's biggest ever asset seizure, have been pulled from mortgagee sale.
COMMENT: It is a scandal that it has taken a Govt inquiry for PM to agree to a crackdown on abuse of NZ foreign trust regimes.
Inland Revenue says the latest telephone phishing scam is unusual because it's still generating 200 complaints a day.
The Government wants to lower the threshold on online purchases, but says more work is needed beforehand.
A company caught up in a controversial Inland Revenue raid has lost a High Court fight over a $1.1 million income tax deduction.
New report says legal high godfather Matt Bowden is living in Thailand and liquidators say they have been unable to contact him.
APN has reached a deal with IRD that will remove tax risk ahead of NZME listing next week.
A Waikato woman has admitted stealing $750,000 from her employer over five years.
The IRD is among creditors owed money by Graeme Hart's UCI Holdings, the autoparts business that filed for bankruptcy.
Kiwi living in Australia took out a $6500 loan 21 years ago. She now owes $30,000 and is too terrified to come home.
Steven Morrow is behind bars pending sentencing after pleading guilty to 40 tax fraud charges.
The IRD has set up a team to sift through documents about foreign-owned trusts from the Panama Papers.
When the PM's personal lawyer approached him about a report in the Herald that Inland Revenue was changing its attitude to foreign trust funds, John Key says he told him to "go and see the [revenue] minister".
The New Zealand branch of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer sent tens of millions offshore while paying virtually no tax.