Latest fromIndigenous Peoples
Maori Party wavers in support for foreshore bill
The Maori Party has indicated it is rethinking its support of the new foreshore and seabed bill after pressure from Hone Harawira and Act.
Act foreshore move causes tension with Maori Party
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia is not guaranteeing her party's support for new foreshore legislation after moves to amend it to explicitly state iwi could not charge for access.
Te Papa ban on pregnant women 'just advisory'
A warning for pregnant or menstruating women to stay away from an exhibit tour is just an advisory and women could decide to ignore it, Arts, Chris Finlayson says.
Anger at Te Papa ban on pregnant women
Feminists have criticised a rule forbidding pregnant or menstruating women to attend a Te Papa exhibit.
New Caledonia: Indigenous awakening
Kanaks are regaining their land and pride, says Pamela Wade.
Perth police taser unarmed man 13 times
A man was tasered 13 times in a Perth police station as nine officers stood by, says a corruption watchdog.
Customary title claims hit confiscation hurdle
Bay of Plenty iwi say land confiscations in the 1860s could scuttle any chance of gaining customary title to tracts of the foreshore.