India Covid-19 appeal: Doctor's plea for supplies - 'It makes me feel incredibly helpless to watch patients die'
Dr Anjima Das says Covid patients can only get a bed when someone dies or is discharged.
Dr Anjima Das says Covid patients can only get a bed when someone dies or is discharged.
Most people dying from Covid in India cannot even get into a hospital.
Tony and Jan Bellew are doing all they can to get out of India and back home to NZ.
Esther Ghosh fought to save her brother's life.
'If everything goes very well, things will be horrible for the next several weeks.'
At least one seriously ill staffer has been treated at the compound.
New York Times: Australia has made it a criminal offence for citizens to enter country.
As India struggles with Covid, one hospital is so bad its patients are begging to leave.
A World Vision worker describes how she feared she might lose her husband.
The Twitter appeal has reportedly offended locals and 'could have been easily avoided'.
Pushpinder Singh said his ticket home from Delhi cost about $6000.
Countries around the world pledge to help India as it records its highest death toll.
New York Times: A global community mourns Covid-stricken loved ones in India.
High Commission has apologised for the incorrect process is used to get an oxygen tank.
Threats of fines, jail time "raise serious concerns", the Human Rights Commission says.
New York Times: The average daily rate of new cases has topped 800k for more than a week.
The fire broke out in a Covid ward on the ground floor and was extinguished within an hour
'Extraordinarily high Covid-19 caseloads and multiple variants' cited for ban.
Author Arundhati Roy calls Modi govt's failures "an outright crime against humanity".
As the oxygen tank in the ambulance ran out, he desperately gasped his final words.
It now has reported more than 18.3 million cases, behind only the United States.
Desperate Indians pay up for oxygen and 'treatments' to save loved ones.
He carried her to the burial ground, where he performed the last rites.
Australia moves to close remaining travel routes from Covid-ravaged India.
'Indian aid and ingenuity has been a support to other countries - now we must help India.'
Image of political rally shows scant regard for social distancing.
200,000 people dead as devastating virus surge tears through dense cities, rural areas.
A massive earthquake in Assam, India has left buildings and roads damaged.
These stars bragged about luxury holidays - amid India's worst Covid outbreak.
PM Narendra Modi had cultivated an aura of near invincibility. Covid has smashed it.