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The world's seven most expensive cities
If you think buying property in New Zealand isn't cheap, you're right. We take a look at the top seven most expensive cities.

World's first electronic joint developed
E-Njoint BV is selling its high-tech spliffs at parties, music events, bars and clubs and across Europe.

Jane Kelsey: Secret talks bring threat of financial crises
Our Government, with almost 50 other countries, is negotiating another secret deal in the shadows of the World Trade Organisation, writes Jane Kelsey.

Family dinner for under $5?
The Tattersfields spent less on one meal for their whole family than the price of one McDonald's Happy Meal by following a plan that promises to feed four people for five days for less than $50.

Rare white whale sighted
One of the rarest and best-loved whales in the world has been spotted off the coast of Australia, in what is believed to be the first sighting of the year.

Lorde: In her own words
Janetta Mackay snapshots the curious day job of a pop star embarking on her first big-brand global collaboration.

What's it like under the Indian Ocean?
Not long after the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 was declared missing, the world's attention was focused on a remote, poorly known area of the Eastern Indian Ocean as the possible location of the lost aircraft.

Einstein vs quantum theory
Albert Einstein may be most famous for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2, but his work also laid down the foundation for modern quantum mechanics.

The tribes of Gen Y
The study by Colmar Brunton breaks the country's generation of 15- to 30-year-olds into six profiles, or "tribes".

John Campbell: Mr Conscience
It’s almost a decade since TV3 decided to take on TV One at 7pm with a daily current affairs show. To celebrate Campbell Live’s 10th year, Greg Dixon talks to John Campbell.

Shocking driving ad stuns moviegoers
Kiwi ad agencies are pretty good at road safety messages - but Volkswagen may have trumped all our previous efforts with a brilliant ad campaign to fight mobile phone use in cars.

Rik Mayall's 10 best moments
English comedian and actor Rik Mayall died this morning aged 56, sparking an outpouring of tributes from fans of his classic scenes.

Property Report: What your home is worth
See how much your home has changed in value with the latest quarterly figures from

Is this the start of a housing crash?
Although, Kiwis love bricks and mortar investment, the housing market is facing more headwinds than tailwinds.

World 'on verge of mass extinction'
Humanity has pushed the planet to the brink of a dinosaur-scale sixth mass extinction, a new study has warned.

Wealth and want in NZ (+interactive)
Changing the geography of poverty within NZ will take generations, according to health policy researchers. So which areas of the country are the most deprived?

Cleaner stunned by $100k find
It was a story of cleaning rags to riches when Chamindu Amarsinghe stumbled upon a fortune in a toilet sanitary bin.

Rarotonga: Big little paradise
After a serve of super-fresh fish, some boutique ale, a snorkel and a scoot around, Ben Chapman-Smith reckons Raro's not so sleepy after all.

The final 54 minutes
The entire 54 minutes of cockpit communication aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight is revealed

10 Down syndrome myths debunked
It is World Down Syndrome Day today, so we have taken a look at 10 common myths about Down Syndrome and the facts behind them.

The end is nigh, says Nasa
Modern civilisation is heading for collapse within a matter of decades, according to a scientific study funded by Nasa.

Why father killed his children
The death in Dunedin of two young children at the hands of their father sent David Fisher in search of a monster. He found something more unsettling - a man.

NZ warning - be ready for the big one
Plastered across posters and T-shirts, inspiring a play, and named by a popular blog site as word of the year, "munted" became the catch-cry amid Christchurch's post-quake devastation.