Latest fromIn Case You Missed It

Robin Williams dies, aged 63
Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams has died from suspected suicide after a battle with depression.

Drowned man's last texts dismissed
A desperate man managed to send two text messages to his partner after his boat sank, but they were dismissed as a joke.

Worker unearths giant Wairarapa spider
If Matt Charlton had taken home a large spider he found crawling through Pongaroa forestry he'd have "been out on his ear so fast" he wouldn't have had time to think twice, his partner Renee Floyd says.

'Super Moon' casts its spell
Sky-gazers in awe of last night's Super Moon witnessed the closest and largest full moon of the year.

A350 v Dreamliner: How they stack up
Aviation reporter Grant Bradley compares the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and its new arch-rival, the Airbus A350XWB.

Mother with locked-in syndrome gains a degree by blinking
A woman who developed locked-in syndrome after suffering a stroke at the age of 30 has overcome her disability to complete a university degree by blinking.

48 floors, hanging by thread
These terrifying images show the moments after a window-cleaning cradle on Austria's tallest building suddenly slipped, leaving two workers clinging on for their lives.

Fitness trainer dies after jog with kids
A popular gym instructor and trainer has died after collapsing while out running with his children.

World's biggest health risk?
As Ebola, Mers and HIV/Aids make headlines, what are the biggest risks to the world's health? And what is being done about them?

Top Kiwi executive 'driven' to succeed
The famous son of the New Zealander taking the helm at retail giant Walmart says his dad was always driven to succeed, and instilled those values in his kids.

Photo error: Apology to Boyland family
The New Zealand Herald apologises unreservedly to the family and friends of Guy Boyland following the incorrect use of two images in today’s paper and on

Red Nose Day photo a big hit
A stunning photo capturing the heart-warming bond between a heavily tattooed rocker and a sick little fairy-girl has gone viral - exactly as the unlikely looking pair wished.

Kiwi's viral surf-rage video
A video of Kiwi surfer Tim Thompson tackling a Brazilian man who dropped in on his wave has gone viral.

Being a mum 'all worth it'
Georgia Hageman was in bed at 4.30am when her waters broke and less than four hours later the 15-year-old Aucklander was holding her baby son.

Putin facing a personal dilemma
What does the tragedy of MH17 mean for the conflict in eastern Ukraine and for Russia's relations with Europe and the US?

Doc's ice challenge warning
The Ice Water Challenge, where participants are doused with a bucket of ice cold water, is potentially fatal - even without alcohol, a doctor warns.

The project that gave a voice
100 low-income families were asked what they needed to get out of poverty. Here are their answers.

Inside Air NZ's Dreamliner
Seated in the middle of economy with four seats to either side, my view outside the window couldn't be clearer.

The 'stab-proof' iPhone 6?
What happens when you scratch at the surface of an iPhone 6 with keys, stab it with a sharp knife, or bend it more than 90 degrees?

Digital literacy's gender gap
In the pervasively connected world of the 21st century, creating and sharing knowledge has never been easier. But the fact remains that many people still lack the skills required to access this information and an inequity gap is growing.

Is it a good time to buy property?
The housing market numbers seem stacked against buyers, so should people buy a house in the current market? We talk to four experts about the issue.

The man who would be PM
Today we investigate David Cunliffe's family background, outline his life up until he entered politics and discuss ambition, love, scandal, duty, faith and trace his lineage to "King Dick" Seddon.

Air NZ's new dream plane
Air New Zealand’s first 787 Dreamliner touches down next week. Grant Bradley reports on the airline’s high hopes for its revolutionary new plane.

Anxiety in NZ 'needs stopping'
Rachel Grunwell chats with a professor, psychologist, meditation coach and a sufferer about this inner turmoil.

Scientist creates deadly flu
A controversial scientist has deliberately created a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Robin Thicke publicity stunt goes bad
It was meant to be a benign Twitter Q and A - but singer Robin Thicke's live event grew into an altogether angrier publicity beast where there were no blurred lines.

Waitomo: Why go? Because it rocks!
A visit to Waitomo has long been on our family’s holiday "to do" list...

Georgia Hageman: My life as a pregnant teenager
Fifteen-year-old Georgia Hageman, who lives at home with her parents and her two younger siblings, found out in November that she was pregnant.