Latest fromImmigration
Govt cuts hit refugees, budget help
Budgeting services are facing cuts and New Zealand's only hostel for asylum seekers may have to close because of the ending of a government scheme.
Special report: Mini Korea full of solace
When Korean mother Ye Jin Lee feels homesick, she'll spend a day at Rosedale Rd on Auckland's North Shore.
Ageing China migrants a 'major concern'
Nearly 40 per cent of immigrants from China gaining New Zealand permanent residence last year were aged 50 or over, sparking calls for younger migrants.
Migrant scheme fuels $71m property deal
Ex-Takapuna Grammar student and Malaysian migrant King Khoo completed one of this year's largest commercial deals to fulfil the terms of the business migrant scheme.
Afghan allies start Kiwi lives
Looking down from a plane flying into New Zealand, Gulnazim Kazimi couldn't believe how big the ocean was. It was his first time seeing it - now he wants to touch it.
Warning on racist campaign
A white supremacist Christchurch group is planning to distribute anti-Chinese flyers around Auckland, a city council ethnic panel member says.
Dotcom firm wary of spy changes
Kim Dotcom's company Mega is warily eyeing proposed legislation that may oblige it to open its systems to surveillance by spy agencies the GCSB and SIS.
Herald on Sunday editorial: Shortcuts to asylum are costly
Critics of the hard line the Government has adopted towards "boat people" must have been dismayed when an overcrowded fishing boat was brought ashore north of Perth this week, its 66 passengers displaying a sign that read, "We want to go to New Zealand".
South London's Kiwi capital
Kiwis on their OE are likelier to be young professionals than backpackers dossing down in a bedsit. London correspondent Jared Savage visits an area of south London that has become the new Kiwi capital.
Overstayer ditches US allegiance for NZ
A long-term overstayer believes he has found a way to stop Immigration New Zealand from deporting him - by renouncing his citizenship.
Visa deal exposes 'huge set of risks'
A fast-track visa deal struck with a Chinese airline for frequent flyers could be exploited by sex traffickers and people smugglers, according to a risk report.
Money lures migrant sex workers
Migrant prostitutes here are not victims of people trafficking and many are in the sex trade for the money, research on migrant sex workers in New Zealand has found.
NZ 'a magnet' for asylum seekers
The arrival in Australia of a boat filled with suspected asylum seekers, apparently heading for NZ, is the result of a deal formed between the two countries, says a refugee expert.
Sri Lankan asylum-seekers aim for NZ
A ramshackle fishing boat carrying 66 suspected asylum seekers from Sri Lanka has arrived in Australia displaying a sign saying "We want to go to New Zealand".
Fraud with fake papers alleged
Two men accused of using fake passports and other documents are facing several forgery and deception charges.
UK visa backlog hurting Kiwis
Kiwis have missed weddings, funerals and nearly lost their jobs or been deported due to a backlog of visa cases in Britain.
Home truths of a new start in NZ
More than 40,000 migrants who have been granted permanent residence are absent from New Zealand.
Burmese refugees least likely to leave
Burmese form the largest group of people who were granted residence through the refugee quota programme.
Chinese most likely to be turned back
One in three international students deported or asked to leave voluntarily was Chinese.
Study leads to new home for many
Over the past decade, one in five international students gained permanent New Zealand residency within five years of being issued their first student visa.
Asians dominate NZ immigration
Asians are dominating in visitor and international student numbers and in most family-migration categories to New Zealand.
Asylum seeker deaths deepen Gillard's woes
The deaths of two more asylum seekers off Australia's Indian Ocean territory of Christmas Island has again focused attention on the complexity of the dangerous crossing.
Residency agreed at last minute
The Security Intelligence Service blocked Kim Dotcom's application for residency after learning of the FBI investigation into internet piracy then lifted it at the last minute.
Sex work no go, student visitors told
International students are being warned against working as prostitutes in a new Immigration New Zealand employment advice website.