Latest fromImmigration

Citizen Liu on assault counts
Herald exclusive: The businessman granted citizenship against official advice after a Govt minister lobbied on his behalf is facing domestic violence charges.

Editorial: Ministers and immigration shouldn't mix
Editorial: Some differences are evident in the granting of New Zealand citizenship to wealthy Chinese businessmen Bill Liu and Donghua Liu.

Some NZ passports miss 'stolen' check
New Zealand border authorities concede not every traveller's passport is checked with Interpol to determine it isn't stolen.

Afghan's bid for asylum rejected
An Afghan who claimed he had been kidnapped and tortured by members of the Taliban after working as an interpreter for Kiwi troops has been denied asylum in New Zealand.

More new residents now from China
China has overtaken the UK for the first time to become the largest source country for total permanent migrants to New Zealand.

Deportation 'unfair' - Labour
Labour says it's "extremely unfair" that a convicted fraudster was given a 4-year stay from deportation while a young man needing crucial surgery has been given a week.

Family ordered to leave NZ
A Sri Lankan family has been ordered to leave New Zealand after living under temporary visas for eight years.

Migration gain biggest in 10 years
Migration added a net 3100 people to the population last month, the highest monthly gain since May 2003.

Migration climbs to decade-high
New Zealand's inbound net migration rose to a 10-year high in January as fewer people quit the country to cross the Tasman.

Fight to oust $350k fraudster
A fraudster who stole $350,000 of ratepayer money faces court action to have a deportation order enforced so he can be sent back to South Africa.

'Bludger myth' hurting Kiwis - Protesters
The myth of the "Kiwi dole bludger" is preventing hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders living in Australia from accessing equal rights and opportunities.

NZDF interpreter abducted by Taliban
An Afghan interpreter vying for New Zealand citizenship has narrowly escaped execution by the Taliban.

Kathy Marks: Govt caught in Manus Island mire
Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison announced last week that an asylum-seeker had died and scores of others had been injured.

Fatal riot drags Coalition down in polls
The fatal riot at the immigration detention centre on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island continues to drag down the Australian Government.

Tracey Barnett: We don't want to play Australia's asylum game
Manufactured misery that has created rampant self-harm and suicide attempts, writes Tracey Barnett. There is no will to process their cases for years.

Migrant worker abuse crackdown
Immigration officers will gain police-like powers to enter and search homes without a warrant under law changes designed to stamp out exploitation of migrants.

NZ politics odd to migrants
Korean mother Christina Oh, 39, is thrilled at the prospect of being able to vote in this year's general election after she got her New Zealand permanent resident visa just before Christmas.

Living wage estimate rises to $18.80
Living wage campaigners say it now costs $18.80 an hour to feed two adults and two children in New Zealand.

Brian Fallow: Immigration good - up to a point
Migration is a big deal in the New Zealand economy, writes Brian Fallow. In such a small, open and mobile country changes in the net flow of permanent and long-term migrants are a major influence on the economic cycle.

Migrants boost our incomes
Enticing more migrants into the country could dramatically increase the income of New Zealand, new research has found.

Welcome, our newest Kiwis
At a special Waitangi Day ceremony in Wellington yesterday, six families became new citizens. We talk to three of them on why they chose to become New Zealanders.

Our day, our way
Reporter Sarah Illingworth speaks to eight Kiwis from different backgrounds about what the Treaty and our national day mean to them.

'Don't come home to mine' Kiwi miners told
Ngapuhi working in Australia's mines are being told they won't be welcome if they come home to carry out controversial mineral exploration in Northland.

NZ a dream home for migrants: poll
New Zealand is a dream migration destination for millions around the globe, and our population could rise by 134 per cent if everyone could choose to live where they wanted, a survey has found.

Aussies call NZ home
Australian-born broadcaster Alison Mau won't get NZ citizenship for fear of breaking her mother's heart.

Immigration adviser jailed
A former immigration adviser sent to jail yesterday had already been disciplined seven times for behaviour including making a client his servant and offering to get another woman pregnant.