Latest fromImmigration
Relatives farewell father of dead Korean family
The father who flew from Korea to NZ after the deaths of his wife and children, and was later found dead, was farewelled in Christchurch today.
Father dies hours before funerals for lost family
Young Jin Baek came to NZ to arrange the funerals of his wife and daughters, but was found dead two hours before the service.
Desperate migrants living in vans
Immigrants who cannot afford rental housing on their own are doubling up on accommodation, or even living in vans.
Crowds across US demand immigrant rights
Thousands of protesters rallied in cities across America demanding that President Obama tackle immigration reform immediately.
Muslims, Asians need not apply
Aussie anti-immigration campaigner Pauline Hanson has put her Queensland home on the market - but not for everyone.
Sydney may play second fiddle to Melbourne
A new report suggests Melbourne is on track to overtake Sydney as Australia's largest city.
Kiwis heading for Australia again
Long term migration from New Zealand to Australia is on the rise again
Migrant women most at risk of being killed
A study has revealed women from Asia and the Pacific are the most likely to be victims of domestic murder.
UK historian urges against transtasman 'suicide of NZ'
NZ should remain a sovereign nation to deny Australia "the kiwi and the juiciest spring lamb", says Simon Schama.
Dark side of island paradise
Christmas Islanders are finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the headline-making events unfolding in their midst.