Latest fromImmigration
Fraudster doctor a student of deception
A Nigerian drug smuggler who duped authorities to get a job in NZ as a hospital psychiatrist came across as friendly but secretive, acquaintances say.
Drug dealer fakes CV to land doctor's job
A Nigerian drug smuggler who fooled immigration officials to get a job as a hospital psychiatrist was yesterday jailed for 16 months.
Kiwis leading job boom in Australia - study
New Zealanders are moving to Australia in record numbers, but they arrive already educated and end up working on average harder and longer than Australians, a government study says.
Rooftop protest by asylum seekers
The protest by asylum seekers at a Sydney detention centre will not prevent their deportation, say authorities.
Outrage over ex-cop's welcome
A citizenship speech by Waitakere City councillor Ross Dallow - father of TV One newsreader Simon Dallow - has outraged a new New Zealander.
Immigration investigates 34 staff for misconduct
Thirty-four Immigration NZ staff are being investigated for misconduct, including alleged corruption.
Paul Henry in trouble over jibe at doctors
TVNZ has apologised for a comment by presenter Paul Henry that overseas-trained doctors can't be as good as those trained in NZ.
Adapt for a diverse future
Be inclusive to get most from varied workforce, writes Diana Clement
'Smiling assassin' targets rich immigrants
At Merrill Lynch in 1998, the ever-cheerful John Key was nicknamed "the smiling assassin" after he fired some 50 members of his team.