Latest fromImmigration
Detainee on the run in Sydney
An immigration detainee is on the run after escaping from Sydney's Villawood detention centre.
Big jump in Kiwis leaving NZ
More Kiwis left to live permanently overseas in October than in any month since January 2009.
Pair sue for $200,000 lost in failed residency bid
A Chinese woman and her adult son are trying to get back $200,000.
Facing the future
Forget Paul Henry’s narrow vision of a New Zealander. People from nearly every country in the world have made Aotearoa their home. Five new New Zealanders tell Shelley Bridgeman how they came here and why they became Kiwis.
Death at Sydney detention centre
Detainees at Sydney's Villawood detention centre may go on a hunger strike after the death of an Iraqi asylum seeker.
Homeless Kiwis flown back to NZ
Homeless Kiwis living on the streets of Melbourne are being flown back to New Zealand courtesy of Australian charities, according to reports.
Bid for asylum centre harks back to crisis
Julia Gillard is hoping to get New Zealand support for a new refugee facility in East Timor.
NZ scores fifth place in world prosperity stakes
A think-tank has ranked NZ the fifth-most-prosperous country, with the highest level of education and civil liberties.