Latest fromICT News

Criminals target social media
The face of cybercrime is changing as criminals target social networking sites and mobile devices, and a new report says New Zealanders are vulnerable.

Boom times for local software design industry
Computer systems design jobs have surged by nearly 80 per cent since 2000.

A year of massive change as roll-out rolls on
High-speed broadband has caused some hiccups, but Chorus is learning lessons in communication and managing expectations along the way.

Liam Dann: NZ needs more Victoria Ransoms
Most of us just want our kids to grow up happy. But if they do make a hundred million dollars selling their internet company to Google that would be okay.

Telecom jackpot: How privatisation made fortunes
For Alan Gibbs and friends, the 1990 Telecom privatisation was the deal of a lifetime. A new book out today tells how fortunes were made, reports Chris Barton.

Kiwi entrepreneurs: In Google we trust
If it's potential customers you want, Google has a lot to offer. Four entrepreneurs talk about how the search giant has changed their business.