PayPal says NZ problem fixed by Friday
PayPal has apologised to New Zealand customers who have not received payments for the past nine days and says problems should be fixed
PayPal has apologised to New Zealand customers who have not received payments for the past nine days and says problems should be fixed
Many savvy Australians has used their spare Census time to hit back at the government on social media, with memes and a rap.
The minister responsible for the Census has denied that the national survey was "hacked," despite public statements from the ABS claiming otherwise.
Many on social media today ignored requests by French authorities to not spread rumours and stick to official accounts for their news on the Nice attack.
Keung trained as an accountant is helping improve the wellbeing of communities most at risk of poor health with technology.
New Zealand's rate of attacks is low compared to other countries in the region, but attacks are still happening constantly.
The long-planned information technology project aims to completely overhaul the country's taxation system.
COMMENT: Creation of a superior being that can out-perform humans is underway so developers better not get left behind.
School-aged children are being tasked with developing an innovative ICT project which will be showcased in October.
Six teams of developers will face off, algorithm against algorithm, in a hacking battleships tournament tomorrow.
Finding out what nasty bugs are in your system could soon be done much faster thanks to a Mars Bar-sized device capable of quickly decoding your genetic make-up.
Film and television streaming firm Netflix has released its first assessment of New Zealand broadband speeds since launching in the country in March.
NZ Netflix customers can now see for the first time which company offers the service at the fastest speed.
Finalists for the 2015 CIO Awards have been named, with leaders from the ICT and business sectors being celebrated.
Microsoft's upcoming annual developer conference is seen as crucial by industry experts to introduce appealing new products from the tech giant.
Thousands of New Zealand businesses could have their websites bumped down Google's search results if they do not meet the requirements for mobile by tomorrow.
Parallel to the exponential growth in technology is the growth of the internet of everything, or put simply, the connectivity of all devices to the internet.
The lack of students leaving secondary school with Information and Communications Technology qualifications has been a concern for several years, however the Auckland Business Leaders Group says fixing it more urgent than ever.
In November last year Datacom attended the New Zealand Job Fair in Sydney, organised by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
The surprise departure of NZ spy agency boss Ian Fletcher has prompted questions about whether he was unsettled by potential changes which could be in the pipeline.
A three-day cyber-attack against the TAB website has been thwarted by specialist IT staff.