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How to get more out of Windows 7
Some features in Windows 7 are designed to help users get a lot more from the operating system.
Windows 7 flying out retailers' doors
Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 7, is close to becoming more widely used than Vista, but still lags far behind XP.
Irony? Warner Bros 'pirating anti-piracy technology'
Staunch anti-piracy advocate, Warner Bros is being sued by a German company which alleges the studio has pirated its anti-piracy technology.
iPad mania overshadowed by human cost concerns
Apple has been embarrassed by publicity surrounding 11 suicide attempts at the vast Foxconn facility which produces iPad and other products.
Data-matching tool can point to suspects
The Joint Border Management System will give Government agencies a powerful data-matching tool for identifying those transporting illegal goods.
Energy data to go on Google
A new Government-funded mapping programme has started to lure more oil and gas explorers to New Zealand by putting results on Google Earth.
'Flash crash' saw Apple shares gain 40,000%
Apple shares soared 40,000 per cent and traded at US$100,000 apiece during the 'flash crash' of 6 May.
Kiwi broadband performance: Behind the figures
When the industry is heading along the right path, it is perhaps ironic that the largest step is the most uncertain, writes Mike Cranna.
IT is back where the money is
Many IT workers have reassessed their careers, perhaps got extra training - but they're needed now, and the pay rates are moving up in response.
Celebrity-poaching Twitter bug 'accidental'
The bug which allowed users to force celebrities to follow them on Twitter was apparently discovered by accident.
Unfixed internet glitch could strand you offline
In 1998, a hacker told Congress he could bring down the internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw - and it's still not fixed.