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<i>Steve O'Neill</i>: Looking beyond the business
Software company has accumulated an impressive customer list, despite some heavyweight competitors.

Bosses told to get with programme as staff bring in gadgets
More staff are hooking up their own gadgets - such as iPhones and laptops - to networks at their workplace, research shows.

Apple customers fall victim to app scam hacker
'If the iTunes account hacking part is true, then Apple really needs to step in and fix this,' wrote one.

Apple-centric conference announced for Auckland
CreativeTech is an Apple-centric conference concept, and the very first one is taking place in September.

2Degrees co-founder takes aim at rivals
Chief executives need to be prepared for tough questions and in the telecommunications business, Tex Edwards is renowned for calling industry leaders to account.

NZ improves in digital world rankings
New Zealand has moved up one spot in the world 2010 'digital economy rankings' compiled by the Economist.

Oracle's income jumps on bump from Sun Micro
Oracle's net income has jumped 25 per cent on strong sales and a bump from the acquisition of Sun Micro.

Pacific Fibre link gets heavyweight investor boost
A planned high-speed fibre link between New Zealand, Australia and the US has been given a boost with the emergence of several high profile investors.

Apple's iOS4 is out - and it's free
Apple's mobile operating system, iOS4, is now available through iTunes for iPhone and iPod Touch - iPad users will have to wait.

Regulate mobile rates - Commerce Commission tells minister
The Commerce Commission has formally asked that mobile termination rates be regulated to promote better competition.

Phitek CEO Donaldson pushed out
Phitek company founder and chief executive Mark Donaldson has lost his job at the helm of the tech company, as shareholders conduct a company-wide review of the business.

Tech universe: Tues, June 8
A round-up of the latest technology news from around the globe: Big Flash problems, new iPhone, bendy LCDs and bee-killing mobile phones.

Lecturer relents on students' use of Wikipedia for research
A university lecturer has embraced Wikipedia as part of her teaching after initially shunning the online encyclopedia.

Windows 7 flying out retailers' doors
Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 7, is close to becoming more widely used than Vista, but still lags far behind XP.