Latest fromICT News
Who will save the world when the web goes down?
Seven people with special keys will jointly reboot the internet if critical systems are taken down by cyber criminals.
Google boss warns over personal data we share online
Eric Schmidt warns that the amount of personal data people leave online could force them to change their names to escape their cyber pasts.
Strength in telco networking numbers
When it comes to getting the biggest bang for the broadband buck, it seems playing nicely with our mates across the ditch may be NZ's best strategy.
Efficiency at the flick of a switch
Many countries are moving ahead with smart-grid technology, but New Zealand is lagging a little way behind.
Lush asks for help outing his imposter
Broadcaster Marcus Lush has become the latest celebrity to fall victim to a Facebook faker.
Making the right connections
It's called the digital divide, and in Otara and other low-income communities, there are people doing something about it.
TUANZ wants more separation details from Telecom
The Telecommunications Users Association wants Telecom to be more open about its plans for voluntary structural separation.
How many Macs?
Apple haters might take pleasure in the fact that it's costing the company about NZ$244 million to give out thousands of iPhone buyers free bumper cases.
<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Old standards won't guide move to broadband
Rules drafted in the 1970s don't have much to tell us about where the internet is heading.
Telecom axes 200 jobs in 3 months
Telecom confirms it has axed 200 management jobs in the past three months and warns further cuts cannot be ruled out.
Software patent guidelines on IPONZ agenda
Guidelines rather than a law change will be used to allow inventions that contain embedded software to be patented, Simon Power says.