Latest fromICT News
<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Crunching the numbers more vital than ever
Statisticians well-placed in job market as demand for data keeps growing.
Blacklist to protect kids
Groundbreaking cellphone technology has been launched in a bid to stop teenagers being harassed by text bullies. The new service allows cellphone users to blacklist up to 20 numbers.
Music industry puts the squeeze on file-sharing
LimeWire may begin to regret its regular boast that its 50 million users shared and downloaded more than three billion songs a month.
iPhone security flaw leaves phones open to abuse
The latest security woe comes with the news that the device's lock screen is easily able to be bypassed.
<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Stuxnet mystery Israel, bluff, or double bluff?
Sophisticated computer worm has to be the work of a government - but which one, and why?
iPhone patent blocks sexters
iPhone maker Apple has technology to stop "objectionable" messages sent on its machines.
Telecom needs broadband terms 'within weeks'
Telecom says it needs to conclude terms with the Govt in the next few weeks if it is to be its partner in an ultra-fast broadband network.
Is Windows Phone 7 Microsoft's game changer?
Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is a big step up from its predecessor - will we be dumping smartphones en masse to give it a go?