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Watchdog probes UFB fibre barriers
The Commerce Commission wants to look at potential barriers to end-user uptake of ultra-fast broadband.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Good law better than fast law, says US expert
Lawyer applauds NZ's cautious legal response to tech developments.

<i>Chris Barton</i>: Broadband price controls no way to reverse the great telco rip-off
Internet plan set to replace one monopoly with another.

Angels flying high, but more needed - venture fund chief
Investment total hits record, but continued rise is 'crucial'

Attack of the codes
It's the battle of the apps between planet Apple and Amazon backed by Google's Android army. Tony Murrow explains the clash of the titans

UFB build different for us, says Crown Fibre
New Zealand's Ultra Fast Broadband plan is not comparable with the next-generation rollouts in Australia and Singapore, says Crown Fibre Holdings.

Leaked Govt broadband plan comes in for criticism
Connections to start at an estimated $47 a month.

Anthony Doesburg: Cyber war risk is here and now, author claims
Others dispute danger, but agree on the need to be prepared for attack.

Battle of the browsers
The latest incarnation of Internet Explorer comes at a time when the competition between web browsers is at its fiercest. Nick Clark reports

Browser wars light up as Microsoft releases IE9
Microsoft has released the full version of its slick hardware-accelerated browser, Internet Explorer 9.

Who on earth wants to share their web history?
Would you want the world to know what you do online? Several new services think that you do.

Liddell resigns from GM - won't rule out Fonterra job
Kiwi high flyer Chris Liddell is stepping down as chief financial officer at GM, and isn't ruling out a tilt at Fonterra's top job.

Communications after the quake: Good, but could do better
Events in Christchurch give reason to ask if our phone networks are tough enough.