Latest fromICT News

Success: Discounts delivered over the phone
Smartphone entrepreneur wins Hi-Tech award, and attracts some big-name customers.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Reforms put on a show for telco trainspotters
Fast-changing industry provides plenty of work for market-watchers.

Warning: iPhones can spy on you
New Zealanders are being warned smartphones, including iPhones and Android handsets, could be secretly tracking their every move.

Success: Partners sell Kiwi expertise to Asia
NZ firm sees growing market for green energy technology.

NZ up in global IT rankings
New Zealand has improved its position in global rankings measuring how countries take advantage of new technology.

<i>Debbie Mayo-Smith</i>: Old routine or new rewards - it's your choice
There's great comfort in sticking to your routine, isn't there? That doesn't just apply to what you order at restaurants or how you have your coffee. Most people also stick to their routine at work, doing what they've always done.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: An invitation to write the future
Movement aims to connect almost everything to the internet.

Facebook testing 'real time' ad targeting
Facebook is testing a new system that instantly targets ads based on the content of members' wall posts and status updates.

No Google honeymoon for Larry Page
As Larry Page's ascension to the chief executive post this week marks a coming of age for him, Google itself is also coming of age in another way.