Latest fromIBM Business Insight

CPIT does its ICT homework
New Zealand

CPIT does its ICT homework

A data warehouse and service oriented architecture platform promise to put rich information at the fingertips of Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) executives while allowing them to streamline course delivery.

Not for kids
New Zealand

Not for kids

Who would have thought that infrastructure was the most interesting part of the Internet? Welcome to cloud computing, where big pipes and big iron create a second—no, third—generation of Internet entrepreneurs.

Forecast: Cloudy
New Zealand

Forecast: Cloudy

Who would have thought that infrastructure was the most interesting part of the Internet? Welcome to cloud computing, where big pipes and big iron create a second—no, third—generation of Internet entrepreneurs.

Why the wheels fell off
New Zealand

Why the wheels fell off

Mountain Buggy looked like a model company for New Zealand’s design-led future, yet in January it reported debts of $22 million and the receiver was called in. What happened to one of our brightest export prospects?