'Disgusted': Two anglers caught with 138 snapper, boat seized
The pair's catch was nearly seven times the daily limit.
The pair's catch was nearly seven times the daily limit.
NZ King Salmon dumped almost 1300 tonnes of fish waste in landfill over last three months.
"We can't quite get as much money out of the Australians".
The closure is being labelled a dramatic last-ditch effort to save the species.
Brent Davies has always wanted to catch a fish from his deck, on Tuesday he gave it a go.
Lance Edmond Nicolson was fined $11,900 and had his vessel forfeited.
Sometimes getting out of bed is tough - just ask Taimana.
Warning issued that our shellfish stocks will crash if overharvesting continues.
Large groups descending on the area means pāua are at risk of being wiped out.
The man huddled under a survival blanket for more than 48 hours, police said.
Auckland MPI Fishery Officers seized a recreational boat after the group were found
"I heard off in the distance a large crashing sound."
The company was caught set netting within the four-nautical-mile prohibited area.
The men, aged 52 and 44, failed to return from their fishing trip yesterday.
Call to respond to consultation: forums say no-one needs more than 20 finfish total
Native rock oysters smaller but more flavoursome than commercially-grown Pacific oysters.
Man pled guilty and was sentenced to 12 months home detention and fined $525,000.
The company will start exporting its popular greenshell mussels (Whakatōhea kutai).
The man died after becoming caught in machinery in the ship's automated freezer system.
The men had life jackets on and used flares which helped save their lives.
Fisherman puts dinner on the table for struggling families.
TAIC report: Both vessels were aware of each other - but acted too late.
The man had been swept off rocks while fishing but was eventually rescued.
The keen fishermen appear to have broken more than just lockdown rules.
Brokers at Craigs said to be buying shares in seafood company on behalf of Ngai Tahu.
Gang members have been trespassed from the best whitebaiting spot on the Grey River.
Sealord CEO said the suspension had cost the company $3 million.
The man was one of two spoken to by police today about fishing at Muriwai.
But there is a silver lining - a bounty of food for struggling Nelson-Tasman households.