Latest fromHunting and Fishing

'Pretty cool': Hunters' free venison mince feeds people in need
Over 2 tonnes of venison mince processed, providing 16,000 meals to those in need.

'Farmers are standing up against Fish & Game': Southland anglers face access cuts
The move comes amid 'deteriorating' relationships between farmers and Fish & Game.

Some Kiwis still "sleepwalking through life" oblivious to pest problem, says conservationist
A Northland man is urging gardeners to use dead possums for fertiliser.

Good thrill hunting: Gisborne course hits the mark
NZ Deerstalkers keen to make training course annual offering

Courses and talk encourage women to improve water confidence and safety
Women are being empowered to do more than just tag along in powerboating and sailing.

Listen: Rotorua hunt hounds howling at 4am
Tom Stephenson says he hears the hounds from his property daily. Video / Supplied

What it’s like visiting one of NZ’s top hunting lodges as a vegan
'The abundance of taxidermy was expected but dinner was a shock.'

'Social rehabilitation': Injured man wanted ACC to buy him 4WD to go hunting and fishing
He claimed it would would help manage his depression.

No map, matches, or GPS: Ill-prepared hunters rescued from Southland forest
With temperatures dropping to below zero, the pair were lucky to find their way out.

Cyclone Gabrielle thought to be reason for 'masses' of porcupinefish
'On my last trip, which consisted of 10 trawl tows, we caught 773 kilos of them.'

Special maimai a winner for hunters who use wheelchairs
'Normally I’m a bit limited in what I can have a blast at.'

Expert believes Enchanter boat should have stayed put amid 'gnarly and confused' weather
The Enchanter skipper continues to stand trial following the deaths of five men.

'Now I drown': Enchanter skipper on being trapped under upturned boat
Goodhew survived by finding a pocket of air and thought 'I'm going to die'.

Editorial: Adventure sports must be safe, but risks will never be zero
OPINION: People have to know what they are getting themselves in for.

'These animals need to die': Controversial cat hunting contest returns
Nationwide, it is estimated feral cats kill up to 100 million birds each year.

Three women take out top spots in Pureora Hunting Comp
Numbers for the annual competition are back to pre-Covid levels, DoC says.

Healthy game populations reported for start of duck hunting season
Late maize harvest affects availability of spots for shooters.

Going hunting? Here's what the season's looking like in your region
A good breeding season means opening weekend looks promising for hunters.

Bring on the fowl weather! Hunters gear up for opening weekend
A good breeding season meant opening weekend looked promising for hunters.

Million-dollar fish! Teen hooks huge prize in competition
Keegan Payne was blown away when told he had won the massive prize.

Wapiti legal stoush: Forest & Bird butts heads with hunters
Fiordland Wapiti Foundation says it has responsibly managed the herd for decades.