Ethnicity a factor in baby heart defects
Maori, Pacific Island babies with a rare heart defect are less likely to survive.
Maori, Pacific Island babies with a rare heart defect are less likely to survive.
COMMENT: Our faces change in colour depending on how we are feeling.
Nasa has found that life away from planet Earth has exacted a surprising toll.
The late philanthropist's daughter set up the new charitable trust in May last year.
COMMENT: There are many reasons why pregnancy could negatively affect oral health.
Scientist never shied away from challenging theories.
Stark warning issued by Professor Stephen Hawking in the months before his death.
DNA tests can predict intelligence, scientists show for first time.
University insights find there's a glaring lack of diversity in the robot world.
Scientists around the globe are on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen.
Researchers hope new testing under new protocol will help provide definitive diagnoses.
Does being more sickened by other people's smells make you more likely a Trump supporter?
Massey University Sleep/Wake Research Centre research officer Dr Karyn O'Keeffe touches on all things sleep related. Video / Mark Mitchell
Those drawn to leaders like Trump more likely to wrinkle noses at unpleasant body odour.
NZ-Singapore study reveals two forms of heart failure aren't as similar as first thought.
Homo erectus may have been smarter than we think.
Damage caused by a stroke could be repaired by returning the brain to a childlike state.
Curious about cadavers? April is your chance to see them up close.
New report on "unfortunate experiment" includes women with microinvasive cancer.
Human trials begin on a vaccine that eliminates tumours with little to no side effects.
New blood test could pick up Alzheimer's disease years before symptoms show.
Scientists have gained important insights into the role of an influential molecule.
COMMENT: Much of what determines happiness is outside of our control.
Even bacteria have memories - and learning how could help us fight superbugs in future.
COMMENT: Do teenagers spend too much time on their screens?
Fossil find in Israel indicates modern humans may have left Africa earlier than thought.
COMMENT: Volunteers who slept more ate on average 10g less per day of free sugars.
Crawling babies kick up clouds of "biogunk" - but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Ridding NZ of rats and possums will be good for us, as well as our prized native wildlife.