Latest fromHuman Science

Euthanasia campaigner: 'I have no regrets'
Convicted criminal Sean Davison's home detention for aiding the death of his elderly mother is over and he says he has no regrets about helping her die.

Social media and 'the urge to share'
Give your pleasure centres a boost and get your endorphins flowing. All you have to do is post something online, writes Maria Konnikova.

Kiwi scientist sells up to fund malaria battle
A veteran researcher says she's selling her multimillion-dollar organic farm so that she can continue...

I've gone crazy! No it's just love, baby
Dopamine. Street name: romantic love. You've been warned.

Shelley Bridgeman: Girl or boy? The choice is yours
In a society bent on consumption, it seems designer babies could be just as desirable as the next in-season bag. Let the commodification of babies begin as people get the choice to choose their child's gender.

Dissolve when you die, help the garden
Uncomfortable with the thought of being buried or cremated when you die? You could always be dissolved.

Forgot why you walked in? Blame the door
We've all walked into a room only to find that the reason for doing so has suddenly and entirely vanished from our mind.

Breaking up? Take care you don't die from a broken heart
Can someone literally be scared to death or die of a broken heart? Short answer: Yes.

Yoga an effective treatment for back pain, study finds
It would seem that the ancient practice of yoga really does work - and it could be even better than going to the doctor.

X + Y = The romance formula?
Science appears to show that we like people who smell different, but not too different, writes the Independent's Alice Azania-Jarvis.