Cubans wonder what's next after anti-government protests
The demonstrations began last week over food and medicine shortages.
The demonstrations began last week over food and medicine shortages.
The 1981 tour created wide civil unrest - but those involved says its legacy is positive
Transgender community advocates gathered outside Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre.
Findings came when racism was directed at black football players after England's defeat.
"Women's rights are being seen as Western values in the eyes of the Taliban."
Public servants told they will be sacked if they are not fully vaccinated by November 1.
A law professor says the MIQ booking system may be discriminatory.
The YouTuber who was fired from Synlait went to an Act Party event — it didn't end well.
'I'm a New Zealand permanent resident and should be treated by New Zealand rules.'
"How are they doing in China? What kind of living conditions? There is no clue."
The country already allows men to take multiple wives - so what's the difference?
Victim: 'The school moved offenders on and sought suppression to protect it's reputation.'
Western leaders have been attempting to resurrect the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
The country's secrecy laws are routinely used to suppress information. .
"He had dual citizenship with Iran so should have been dealt with differently."
Juneteenth marks the news to enslaved black people in a Texas town they were free.
It is the second attack since a shaky ceasefire ended last month's 11-day war
IHC has been trying to sue for 13 years over disabled children's educational rights.
Villagers fled to Thailand when they came under attack by Myanmar's military.
New York Times: The organisation is riven with internal tensions over the First Amendment.
Former officers charged with violating Floyd's civil rights to be arraigned in September.
China's ruling Communist Party is pulling the city more directly into its orbit.
Samoa has been struggling with a constitutional crisis - here's what is happening.
Backlash against reported human rights abuses is taking a toll on China's cotton industry.
The seemingly endless cycle of violence can seem hopeless, but NZ must still respond.
'Many among the masses made this totally spontaneously' said a Chinese spokesperson.
Sexual abuse by humanitarian workers is "systemic" around the globe, British MP says.
Matthew Tukaki wants to see the business hauled before the Human Rights Commission.
EDITORIAL: Pooh-poohing the He Puapua report is jumping the gun.
40 Republican senators called on Joe Biden to "immediately end negotiations with Iran".