Refugees detained alongside Novak Djokovic suddenly have world's attention
New York Times: At an Australian hotel, the tennis star's case is but one controversy.
New York Times: At an Australian hotel, the tennis star's case is but one controversy.
Tutu was in cheapest available coffin at his request to avoid any ostentatious displays.
More than 180 New Zealanders recognised in New Year honours.
'Once Hong Kong allowed open opposition and questioning of the government's core policies'
Desmond Tutu was a foe of apartheid, as well as a leading advocate for LGBTQ rights.
New York Times: Praise for the late archbishop flooded social media.
Women and children were among those shot by government troops while fleeing combat.
Here for a good time but not a long time, this epic icehotel will only last till Spring.
Women are required to cover up to "protect public sensibilities".
China asks how such a deeply polarised and fractured country could lecture others.
It took five weeks - how a Northland iwi is set to regain privately-owned ancestral land.
Al-Jumailly chained Yazidi girl in the sun in temperatures of over 50C.
New York Times: China's aggressive posture is prompting a geopolitical shift.
The human rights lawyer spoke at the Apec CEO Summit.
Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, shot by the Taliban, announces marriage on Twitter.
NZSIS and GCSB minister Andrew Little on our spies and what really happens in the shadows.
Amal Clooney has clocked up an impressive workload in international law and human rights.
The conflict has been marked by gang rapes, deliberate starvation and thousands of deaths.
Two young Sudanese refugees who escaped war in their country share their journeys.
"They were brave and took a risk to support us".
Former detective describes extreme abuse towards ethnic minority in China.
Genetic discrimination is using someone's genetic info to discriminate against them.
Failure means "massive ongoing costs" to New Zealand, Children's Commissioner says.
Peter Schulte has called for Bill Machen to resign as deputy mayor.
Enforced use of passports in domestic settings could be challenged under human rights law.
Forty years ago the Springbok Tour was our great divider. In 2021, will it be vax status?
Punishments like executions and amputations of hands to return under Taliban rule.
Guterres speaks of hope in face of 'cascade of crises'.
A trans woman has been charged under Islamic laws for insulting Islam by cross-dressing.
Human Rights Commission says te reo Māori is an official language in Aotearoa.