Bodies buried in booby-trapped sinkhole
The true horror of Islamic State's mass killings may never fully be known.
The true horror of Islamic State's mass killings may never fully be known.
Russian media denied that chemical attacks had taken place, depicting rescue workers as jihadist militants and doctors as propagandist purveyors of "fake news".
COMMENT: NZ should press Nauru and Australia to fulfill their international obligations to refugee and asylum-seeking children.
Fresh insight into secretive kingdom reveals the extent of the regime's use of kids as slaves. Here, two teens tell their stories.
The Philippines has suspended Rodrigo Duterte's notorious war on drugs following the brutal execution of an innocent man at the hands of police.
COMMENT: I see the Palestinian Authority as bearing the blame for the perceived hardships suffered by Palestinian citizens.
The United Nations have said that at least 239 migrants have drowned this week in two shipwrecks off the coast of Libya.
There is less you may be able to get away with in Thailand if authorities go ahead with a bold new tourist rule.
Philippine President Duterte has effectively signed death warrants of up to 50 drug-dealing officials as the street execution toll soars to 600.
Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.
The family of a slain South African photojournalist is still coming to terms with his death.
Washington is considering tightening sanctions against the military rulers of Myanmar, formerly Burma.
The gems come from the Marange fields where miners were massacred by soldiers and villagers have been beaten, raped and forced to work as virtual slaves.
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has thumbed his nose at prosecutors and made his first visit to a member state of the ICC.
Tobacco giant Philip Morris has admitted that child workers have been subjected to long hours working on Kazakhstan tobacco farms it deals with.
Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said that "the judgement in itself is a message to Pakistan that they should not export terror to India."