Latest fromHuman Rights Watch

'We hanged Uighurs from ceilings': Chinese police whistleblower
Former detective describes extreme abuse towards ethnic minority in China.

'My life is not your porn' South Korean women victims of voyeurism
Online sex crimes are traumatising South Korean women and driving some to take their lives

China accused of massive crimes against Uighur minority
The Chinese government flatly rejects allegations of human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

Human rights group hits Israel with explosive accusation: Apartheid
New York Times: Israel is accused of the racist system that governed South Africa.

Chinese official slams UK genocide declaration
Chinese official slams UK genocide declaration calling it "counter to facts".

'Murdering unarmed civilians': 114 people killed by Myanmar forces
The violence was the deadliest bloodletting since last month's coup.

Israel's Covid-19 vaccine success sparks debate on Palestinian inequities
New York Times: Israel's responsibilities as an occupying power are under scrutiny.

Afghanistan condemns Australian war crimes allegations
Afghanistan has demanded justice for the victims of Australia's alleged wars crimes.

Greek migrant camp gutted by blaze
More than 100 people on Saturday moved into the new camp built with UNHCR tents.

Alabama's new abortion ban could jail doctors. In some countries, laws already do
Countries including El Salvador and the Dominican Republican have similar legislation.

Pressure on Ardern to speak up for Muslims
New Zealand doesn't pick sides says Jacinda Ardern.

'We raped and broke legs' admits Zimbabwe soldier
Government troops say they were ordered to 'punish' opposition activists in night raids.

Woman who fled Saudi Arabia reaches her new home in Canada
Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun has been granted asylum in Canada.

'We will not send anyone to die' - Thai police say they won't deport Saudi woman
Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun has been allowed to temporarily enter Thailand.

Kuwaiti woman jailed for filming maid's balcony fall
Woman filmed her housemaid as she cried for help before falling from seven storeys.

Gaza toll rises to 18, Israel rejects excessive force claims
Palestinian death toll after Friday's border clashes has risen to 18.

Kenyan court rules forced anal exams as gay test unlawful
Kenya's use of forced exams to test whether men have had gay sex ruled unlawful.

EU silent on Spanish violence
The Catalan government claimed 761 people were injured in yesterday's violence.

Isis militants thrown to their deaths
Videos showing Iraq soldiers getting revenged on Isis militants is being investigated.

Woman who filmed falling maid arrested
The videographer and her employer were arrested on a charge of failing to help.

Deradicalisation: NZ asks Malaysia's advice
New Zealand has sought advice on deradicalisation from the Malaysian Government.