Proposed NZ values bill 'headline grabbing nonsense' Opposition says
The Human Rights Commission and the Refugee Council are sceptical of the proposed bill.
The Human Rights Commission and the Refugee Council are sceptical of the proposed bill.
A mum caring for her disabled daughter says she's optimistic about a proposed law change.
The Government will repeal a disability law described as a "shame on society"
Students suspended or expelled from schools will soon have rights of "review".
COMMENT: Human Rights Commission is a mediator, not an investigator.
The report found few people had formally consented to being held in the locked facilities.
Waikato Regional Council to defend race-based policy claim.
Relationship between Australia and NZ suffering because of "very, very nasty" issue.
COMMENT: Racism is pounced on in NZ - except for the racism that suits some people.
Appointments of human rights commissioners should not be controversial.
Woman who suggested people shouldn't feed birds at a popular park racially abused.
COMMENT: we need to keep discussing and debating the issues in a respectful manner.
COMMENT: Why does the commission wish to ban free speech to protect certain beliefs?
The debate over what constitutes hate speech has been fervent in recent months.
Human rights and civil liberties advocates agree our laws need the right balance.
A gift shop is doing a roaring trade after being censured by the Human Rights Commission.
COMMENT: Bryce Edwards on whether the HRC can be reformed or if it should be scrapped?
New commission head.
The lawyer who worked for the change said it could affect more than 1000 children.
UN committee members 'incredulous' at parts of NZ's human rights record.
The working group comes after sexual harassment allegations at a top New Zealand law firm.
Marama Davidson wins over three-quarters of vote to be new Greens co-leader.
Preventable tragedies reflect wider problems in a sector trusted with our most vulnerable.
COMMENT: The media should not set themselves up as judge jury and executioner for #metoo.
Families of the severely disabled have been fighting to be paid for their work.
It follows allegations a commission intern was groped by a senior staffer at a work party.
The High Court panel said the case should also serve as a reflection for editorial teams.
Does the Human Rights Commission help — or just add to disagreement?
Ministry to keep centralised records of workplace sexual harassment.