'Soft and spongy' deck, roof that 'would lift with the wind': Landlord fined $6k
An inspector said the general state of the house was 'unmaintained' and 'shocking'.
An inspector said the general state of the house was 'unmaintained' and 'shocking'.
House-building costs only rose 1.1% in 2024, well below 2022′s increases.
Opinion: Norman Kirk was deeply angered by Denis O'Reilly's comments.
'The cloud's lifted. It's the first step in moving on', says Mark Chamberlain.
Despite the empty homes, the council says it's not a concern.
Reporter Rachel Maher lays bare the trials and tribulations of her 10 homes in five years.
Paris Hilton and Sir Anthony Hopkins are among those grieving the loss of their homes.
Complaint wait times drop to 15 days as Kāinga Ora tackles disruptive tenant behaviour.
Bar and dining concept at Commercial Bay and Queenstown will be extended to Ponsonby.
Tenant denied claims his house was a fire risk or pest hotspot.
Only Singaporeans and Australians can buy our residential property without clearance.
Since February, values have slowly been drifting down, Corelogic says.
'I'll be camping in Aotearoa’s beautiful great outdoors. Wish us luck and sunny days.'
Auckland's growth hides deep inequalities, with many lacking food and housing.
It was a lifestyle of flashy opulence - until the money ran out.
'Mum’s kindness has allowed me to be the person I am today. She guided and loved me.'
Sir John Gallagher is particularly proud of his work with Habitat for Humanity Hamilton.
Interest rates, inflation, migration - the experts gaze into their crystal balls.
The workforce is predominantly female which is reflected in the company's leadership.
Housing is relatively inexpensive compared with other cities but ownership rates are low.
The Government has no concerns about the development on state land in Ngongotahā.
Two more motels will stop being contracted by the Government for emergency housing.
OPINION: Community providers are increasingly having to turn away applicants.
'Some people can’t remember anyone in their family owning a home.'
How many people had paid deposits was not stated but pre-sales said to be 'strong'.
OPINION: It was the worst recession since 1991 – but at least it is behind us.
Ngāti Whātua has opened the Ōrākei papa kāinga with 24 new terraced residences. Video / Michael Craig
He says it's 'no wonder' city has a housing crisis if it's this hard to build three homes.
The financier wants $28.2m; unsecured creditors are listed as being owed another $167,000.
It is unclear where homeless occupants will go.