Latest fromHouse Building
Spain announces new measures to tackle housing crisis
Some landlords targeted in tax move, while many affordable new homes sought.
New home consents up in November but down 12% annually
House-building costs only rose 1.1% in 2024, well below 2022′s increases.
Ho Chi Minh to Northcote: 'Southern Hemisphere's largest modular housing project'
'We see New Zealand as a long-term strategy.
Flagship rising: Rodd & Gunn opening Lodge bar, restaurant in Pompallier on Ponsonby
Bar and dining concept at Commercial Bay and Queenstown will be extended to Ponsonby.
One crucial word was missed from NZX announcement: Summerset CEO
A word can change a meaning and that was the case with the NZX statement on Tuesday.
Hong Kong investor buys 120-lot Hobsonville Point site for $9.2m
Only Singaporeans and Australians can buy our residential property without clearance.
Green Building Council chief plans to bike less, run more
'I'll be camping in Aotearoa’s beautiful great outdoors. Wish us luck and sunny days.'
Du Val downfall: From champagne, private jets to receivership and $250m debt
It was a lifestyle of flashy opulence - until the money ran out.
Knighted: Billionaire philanthropist Sir Ted Manson
'Mum’s kindness has allowed me to be the person I am today. She guided and loved me.'
'Significant milestone for many Kiwis': Oceania Healthcare CEO Suzanne Dvorak
The workforce is predominantly female which is reflected in the company's leadership.
350-home project on track despite developer's other company in liquidation
The Government has no concerns about the development on state land in Ngongotahā.
‘Can’t wait to move in for Christmas’: Richie McCaw reveals first pic of dream Wānaka house
Richie and Gemma McCaw are planning a new Wānaka life 'full of adventure'.
Housing for hapū: families move into $20m Ōrākei housing development
'Some people can’t remember anyone in their family owning a home.'
Winton Land 'pauses' $750m Wynyard plans, offers buyers refunds
How many people had paid deposits was not stated but pre-sales said to be 'strong'.
National, local companies are creditors of Rotorua housing project
The financier wants $28.2m; unsecured creditors are listed as being owed another $167,000.
'Exciting new chapter': Richie and Gemma McCaw reveal big move
'It’s everything we’ve dreamed of for raising our girls'.
Unconsented building work non-disclosure sees agents fined $18,000
Three Barfoot & Thompson agents pleaded guilty to unsatisfactory conduct in the case.
Du Val court hearing pencilled in
Judge this week will be considering PwC’s application for information in the case.
Florida funder loaned $28.2m to Rotorua housing project
Liquidator expects no loss to customers.
Receivers, liquidator in charge of Rotorua's Mountview Green final stages
Receiver says 22 homes completed, not settled; 20 more in various stages of construction.
Opposition to multi-billion dollar Beachlands scheme settled
'Development process can now move forward with the next phase of planning.'