Latest fromHospitals

NZ's stillbirth rate among highest
An expert says many more babies would survive if the country quit smoking and reduced its obesity.

Elective surgery postponed after power failure
All elective surgery has been postponed at Auckland and Starship Hospitals as technicians scramble to fix a back-up power failure at Auckland and Starship hospitals.

Christchurch earthquake: Midwives sought as quake brings births on
Midwives are being sought in Christchurch as the number of premature births rises in the wake of Tuesday's earthquake.

Christchurch earthquake: 'Warzone' hospital aims to prevent health crisis
An Australian army field hospital is set to be turned into a community health centre as authorities work to prevent a medical crisis in Christchurch.

Christchurch earthquake: Hospitals cope with waves of injured
Christchurch hospitals are busy but coping as patient numbers swell from the earthquake.

Christchurch quake: Hospitals in north take in casualties
North Island hospitals are receiving Christchurch earthquake victims and plan to send specialists to help in the devastated city.

Three fold increase in doctors heading to Oz - recruiters
A medical recruitment company claims to have seen a 300 per cent rise in New Zealand doctors leaving to find better pay in Australia in the last year.

Success: Health guinea pigs now lead world
Reforms helped create IT systems that are envied by other countries.