Eye-test stress: Concerns over spec shop hospital referrals
The use of new imaging technology at optometrists is increasing workload on DHBs.
The use of new imaging technology at optometrists is increasing workload on DHBs.
The assault occurred on Bairds Rd, near Paradise Bar & Pokies.
"We are just praying to God that our baby is going to stay here with us."
Police responded to an incident at Adler's home in Studio City, California.
Parents hope to get treatment in the US for energetic 2-year-old with rare cancer.
An agitated patient broke the guard's nose while trying to leave the hospital.
Waikato DHB has 14 buildings with failed building WoFs
Mum claims she was 'punished' for not breastfeeding her child while he was in hospital.
New research has discovered legionella misdiagnosed as pneumonia in 2/3rds of cases.
Daughter of security guard seriously assaulted at Waikato Hospital last month
Woman was severely beaten with an oxygen cylinder while on duty.
University students have been asked to not take up spots meant for visitors.
Intensive care specialist Dr David Galler will mark 30 years' work at Middlemore Hospital.
Akhilesh Kadam died almost a week after being rushed to hospital in a critical condition.
DHBs have not been given enough to keep up with demand, experts say.
Beattie's daughter Hollie was just five when she was diagnosed with cancer.
Buckingham Palace has released the birth certificate of Prince Harry and Meghan's baby.
Between August 1 - 7, 2016, a total of 2,011 patients attended Middlemore Hospital.
The money question: Should private practice be used to entice specialists to stay in NZ?
Four nursing staff and a security guard were physically assaulted by a patient.
Police are currently working to establish the circumstances of the man's injuries.
Kay Billman lived in pain for 18 months because she could not afford private surgery.
Hamilton mum-of-five battling brain cancer wants New Zealanders to know there's hope.
Study finds 47% of major-trauma patients have moderate/severe disability at one year
Molly, Joshua and Cameron are happy, healthy and ready to unleash.
5-year-old Alen was previously unable to speak, see or eat when she woke from a coma.
Breakthrough to boost treatment for most common neurological hospital emergency in kids.
The Waikato DHB deputy chair says she didn't have jurisdiction to refer the matter on.
"Where's my son?" They were Rahimi Ahmad's first words after six days in a coma.
Dad can't stop tears at news his bullet-riddled little girl has brain damage.