Nicholas Ross Smith, Zbigniew Dumienski: Key finally strikes at issue's heart
COMMENT: Land tax is arguably the simplest, easiest to administer and most effective solution to housing unaffordability.
COMMENT: Land tax is arguably the simplest, easiest to administer and most effective solution to housing unaffordability.
It now costs 10 times an ordinary household’s income to buy a median-priced house in Auckland. This animation tells you why in less than two minutes.
The Prime Minister's talk of a new tax on land is a sign that he is worried by the resurgence in house prices, as he should be.
PM John Key this week proposed a new tax on offshore purchases. Could the Government be doing more?
A land tax on offshore owners of New Zealand houses could be in place by next year, Prime Minister John Key says.
Prime Minister John Key says he'll tackle foreign buyers if he needs to and New Zealanders overseas could be included.
Prime Minister John Key is considering a land tax on foreign-based house buyers if there is evidence they are pushing up New Zealand house prices.
COMMENT: Maybe the biggest threat to the Auckland housing problem is simply waiting for Australia to come right, and for normal service to resume.
Investors chasing capital gains in Auckland property market are making it harder for first-home buyers to afford a house. Andrew Laxon outlines problems.
From low incomes to high, young and old, Aucklanders and Southlanders - many Kiwis are feeling the effects.
When Vicki and Mike Crosby's daughter and her partner started looking for a house, Mum and Dad put up their hands to help.
A young couple who were told they would qualify for an $8000 govt grant to help buy first home are in shock after finding out they can only get half that.
Aimee Crosby has been forced to move back in with her parents at 31, with the high prices of mortgage and rent taking its toll on first-time buyers.
INTERACTIVE: Discover how many properties are within your price range, around the country.
Geoff and Elizabeth McKenzie didn't expect to have all their children back home in their twenties and thirties but it's a reality they have been happy to adjust to.
West Auckland grandmother Lee Hickey is moving out of her house to make room for her daughter, son-in-law and their two children.
Our forebears came to NZ to escape perpetual tenancy and have property of their own. That has been the Kiwi dream and there is no reason to give it up now.
Experts believe Auckland's housing crisis may be lowering city's birth rate, as young adults shut out of buying homes are forced to live with parents.
Are New Zealand landlords doing it tough? Having to cope with new safety and insulation rules, now rents are static.
House hunters who say they can't afford to buy a home in Auckland need to give up Sky TV or expensive cars and just save harder, says a mortgage broker.
House prices in Auckland have risen so fast that many single people on ordinary incomes now find it impossible to buy a first home on their savings.
WATCH: The Economy Hub - Auckland's property boom looks set to run on for at least two years.
Chinese buyers' interest in New Zealand properties rose dramatically last month and Auckland is by far the most popular.
Could prefabricated homes really be the answer to Auckland's affordable housing crisis?
They're supposed to be Auckland blocks of land designated 'special' to boost the city's housing supply, instead they're being traded like horses.
Auckland renters are facing bleak times, with steep rent rises looming as a result of the city's housing crisis.
Remuera home owners may not like it, but three-storey apartments in the suburbs offer the last real chance at housing affordability in Auckland.
The Reserve Bank could expand mortgage lending restrictions in an effort to head off the housing boom as it rolls down the country, economists say.
Like many new Aucklanders, Bharat Bhushan and Lovely Garg are not emotionally attached to the traditional Kiwi section.
On Wednesday, April 20, John Gray of the Home Owners and Buyers Association of New Zealand (Hobanz) will answer your questions about the home buying process.