10 tips to get on the property ladder
A young Russian migrant bought $1.7m of Auckland properties in 4 years, here's how.
A young Russian migrant bought $1.7m of Auckland properties in 4 years, here's how.
Aimee Russell started saving in high school to put together a $150,000 house deposit.
An Auckland couple in two years went from nothing to buying two homes - one in the city.
Millennials share how they've managed to buy their first Auckland homes.
A couple who have been struggling to afford a house for two years find their dream home in west Auckland.
Prime Minister John Key has stood by comments that people need to look to apartments as a first home option - despite 35 Auckland property projects collapsing in the past year.
The Herald's Home Truths series has highlighted the serious problems that make our housing unaffordable - but also pointed to some solutions.
The property of people resisting development could be seized if the land is within certain areas marked for housing development.
The Government has begun discussions with the Reserve Bank about income-related restrictions on mortgage lending, Finance Minister Bill English has confirmed.
The Reserve Bank says housing and dairy debt are major risks to the economy and changes to LVRs are possible.
The Auckland apartment building that defies the logic on renting.
Aucklanders appear to be being short-changed when it comes to accessing a Government subsidy aimed at helping first home-buyers.
Prime Minister John Key has made a speech at the opening of the Employers and Manufacturers' Association. Issues with Auckland's housing and transport are 'quality problems', he says. Video: Anne Gibson
A NZ-born Chinese teenager has blasted the attitudes of some Kiwis towards her, saying they see her as "just another foreigner" here to buy their houses.
Just seven months after new valuations were set for Hamilton homes, some are already fetching up to $205,000 above those figures.
COMMENT: We've all got high on our burgeoning property prices and no politician will likely have the courage to take our fix, and our paper wealth, away, writes Felix Marwick.
EDITORIAL: Our "Home Truths" series has concluded with some possible solutions to runaway house prices that leave many facing rented housing for the rest of lives.
At the end of Home Truths series, the three would-be buyers who invited readers to follow their journey tell Andrew Laxon how they found the experience.
Almost one in 10 houses in Auckland change hands within a year, a much higher turnover rate than the rest of New Zealand.
COMMENT: The housing affordability crisis is enough to have you waking in the middle of the night - sweating and screaming.
The bank and the Government need new solutions to the economic damage being done by this raging house market.
The only sensible conclusion an observer can come to is that there is no real political will to address the housing crisis, Paul Glass writes.
COMMENT: People without residency shouldn't be allowed to own NZ real estate. Land is the fundamental ingredient of a country, writes Raybon Kan.
Sounds easy? Some real estate experts are pointing out some potential flaws in the new scheme.
Colin Chisholm turned down the chance to buy a house in Auckland two years ago, instead putting his money into shares and start-up businesses.
Bill English says the Government could set a house price-to-income ratio to ensure councils release the right amount of land to keep housing affordable.
COMMENT: John Key's latest shimmy shows the winds of change are blowing on National attitudes to housing.
It's tough to get into Auckland property - is buying shares in a single house the answer?
COMMENT: Tweaking interest rates or imposing a low rate of land tax to cool the housing market is likely to be ineffective, writes Bryan Gould.