Pike River Coronial Inquest date set
The Coronial Inquest into the deaths of 29 men in the Pike River Coal mine will be held early next year, the chief coroner Judge MacLean says.
The Coronial Inquest into the deaths of 29 men in the Pike River Coal mine will be held early next year, the chief coroner Judge MacLean says.
Pike River Mine was evacuated this morning when gas levels rose sharply...
The Pike River mine will not be handed over to receivers while the operation to recover the bodies of the 29 workers continues, police say.
Families of the 29 miners who died at Pike River Coal mine have been given a chance to spend Christmas near the bodies of their loved ones after police offered to take them to the mine on December 25.
A 20-tonne nitrogen generator has arrived to aid the operation to recover 29 bodies from Pike River Coal mine.
Kyle Scott and Liz Blatch still had their wedding at Darfield's Oak historic homestead only hours after the 7.1 earthquake.
A 41-year-old Hokitika man has appeared in court to face a charge of murdering an elderly man found shot dead yesterday.
A 41-year-old man will appear in court today on one count of murder after a double shooting in Hokitika yesterday.
A man in his 40s has been charged with two counts of murder and will appear in the Greymouth District Court tomorrow.
Dave Cade is pushing hard to keep didymo - or rock snot - out of Taupo waterways.