Kiwifruit management increasingly off-site
Kiwifruit orchards are popular investments for out-of-town owners and provide opportunities for management companies to make their mark.
Kiwifruit orchards are popular investments for out-of-town owners and provide opportunities for management companies to make their mark.
The Farm Forestry Association has questioned why more land is not being used for tree planting when returns for timber stack up.
Tall fescue is an option for use on Northland farms in dry conditions like the region's west coast is experiencing.
Zespri predicts gold kiwifruit volumes could be up 40 to 50 per cent this season and may reach pre-Psa levels as early as next year.
Almost 80 North Island farmers attended a field day on a southern Hawke's Bay farm notable for the way its dairy farmer is leading the way with his environmental practices.
Tauranga HR company Teaming Up hopes to connect accountancy firms with farmers in an economic development project that could generate millions of dollars.
Higher lambing percentages and export carcass weights are helping offset a dramatic drop in sheep numbers.
The link between water and economic growth has never been more visible. Regions with access are flourishing. For Hawke's Bay, a traditional farming region, limited water resource hinders development and social wellbeing. The Ruataniwha dam could change it
I recently helped out at the inaugural field day at Steve and Sandra Parrott's farm, writes Andrew Jolly.
Dairy milk production rates are expected to hit a record high in the Bay of Plenty after farmers lost $79 million last season because of the drought.
More than 1000 people are expected to come off the dole and take up jobs in the kiwifruit industry this season.
Dairy industry efforts to restore the Mangere River catchment have to be matched by beef farmers to be effective, says Environment River Patrol Aotearoa kaitiaki Millan Ruka.
A website that focuses on creating good communication skills and employer relationships is receiving about 4000 hits a month.
A small family business in Mt Maunganui is taking the gumboot scene by storm.
All Blacks hero and cancer survivor Wayne "Buck" Shelford challenged freezing workers at Affco to take charge of their well-being.
A Hawke's Bay farm trial shows that lambs fatten faster on plantain and yield better than lambs grazed on pasture.
Switching from dairy farming to growing kiwifruit was an easy decision for Bay of Plenty couple Elaine and Wayne Skiffington.
Dairy farm workers lodged 200 complaints against their employers from August 2012 to December last year.
You can make a living out of kiwiberries but Te Puna orchardist Ron McLean says there is no fortune to be made.
A vintage spring and summer growing season means the New Zealand apple industry is harvesting some of the largest, tastiest fruit for many years.
The economy is starting to hit its straps and no longer needs support from record low interest rates, writes Westpac senior economist Anne Boniface