Chris Lewis: Take care of your greatest asset
The buzz about town is the revised payouts announced by Fonterra and Westland, which have both dropped significantly.
The buzz about town is the revised payouts announced by Fonterra and Westland, which have both dropped significantly.
Hamiltonian Rodney Sharp and his wife Angela own a business called Progressive Group - and judging by their three grassroots innovations at Fieldays, the name is apt.
I was hardly a model student. If I had devoted as much time to my studies as I did in trying to fashion a timetable that gave me Fridays and Mondays off I may have completed my Bachelor's degree in the standard three years rather than the four it eventual
Political leaders across the spectrum have pounced on the opportunity to peddle their policies for the impending election - a sound bite or snippet more than sufficient to stir up controversy - particularly on a matter as divisive as land sales to foreign
Milking cows can crack and discolour the skin on hands, but after 33 years as a dairy farmer Chris Lethbridge's hands are as soft and pale as an office worker's.
Dairy farmers: you too can make far greater profits, writes Mike Barrington.
Hawke's Bay-based Prevar has signed an agreement with Australasian company Freshmax for the new Piqa Boo brand pear to be grown in Australia.
Eight Hawke's Bay deer farmers are pioneering a new way to make their farms more profitable.