Latest fromHIV/Aids

Diana title Meghan has missed out on
OPINION: Megan has spoken out, but there is one Diana feat she is yet to achieve.

Movie stars return to lavish charity gala in style
Celebs are back walking the red carpet after a year off because of Covid-19.

Kiwi scientist involved in 'exciting finding' for HIV cure
Otago graduate Professor Carole McArthur in research team in fresh discovery.

Covid 19: Media coverage must avoid the mistakes of the past
Aids pandemic provides darker lesson about the capacity of the media to normalise death.

Experimental treatment rids man of HIV
Specialist says result of Brazil trial is 'not a' cure but the outcome merits more study.

'How I was cured of HIV': Adam Castillejo's extraordinary story
Times: He's the second person to beat HIV. He and his doctors tell the remarkable story.

Romeos and Juliets urged to stay home and avoid casual sex
Don't sneak out for casual sex or amorous trysts, try webcams instead: Aids Foundation.

Removing the stigma: Living with HIV - and donating sperm
People living with HIV cannot infect their offspring if on medication, doctor tells.

Man accused of 700k deaths due to typo
The handsome Canadian was charming. But he would become known as a "monster".

Aids funding cuts stopped ahead of Big Gay Out
Over $200,000 was to be slashed from the NZ Aids Foundation annual budget.

Split-second decision changed her life: Kiwi woman contracted HIV after getting tattoo
Auckland woman's world changed after a spur-of-the-moment decision to get a tattoo.

12 Questions with Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho
He uses theatre to empower people living with homelessness, mental health issues and HIV.

Lee Suckling: What I learned from my first HIV test
On World Aids Day, Lee Suckling shares his experience from his first HIV test.

Aidan's story: 'I was 18 and living on street'
Aidan is working on leaving his harrowing street life behind.

What Ebola could tell us about NZ disease spread
A NZ study will investigate how pathogens like deadly Ebola jump from animals to humans.

HIV pill a $120m win for Kiwis
Funding a preventative pill for men who have sex with men could save the country millions.

Focus: New HIV/AIDS cases at record levels
More people where diagnosed with HIV / AIDS in New Zealand in 2016 than ever before.

Condom dress: 'Working with lube was hard'
A woman has made a dress using 3000 condoms for aids awareness in China.