Latest fromHitting Home: Burglaries in NZ

Police to crack down on burglaries
Police have launched a large scale operation targeting burglary in central Auckland.

Editorial: Priorities askew on burglaries
The Herald's startling burglary series this week has revealed that nearly every homeowner has a story about the crime.

Watch: Local patrollers 'eyes and ears' for police
Community patroller Glenn Torrens hasn't actually caught a burglar, but he volunteers his time to help the police to catch them. He is one of 75 members, two-thirds of them retired, of Papakura Community Crimewatch Patrols. They aim to be the police's "eyes and ears".

Watch: Burglary 5 top tips
John McMenamin from Protech give you 5 hand tips to increase the security around your home.

Q&A: How to stop burglars
Experts share their solutions to reducing burglary rates in New Zealand.

Judge gives 38-time burglar a chance
A recidivist burglar who deliberately targets the elderly has avoided jail by enrolling in a rehabilitation programme.

Local patrollers 'eyes and ears' for police
Community patroller Glenn Torrens hasn't actually caught a burglar, but he volunteers his time to help the police to catch them.

Neighbours take down intruder
Three West Auckland neighbours held down a burglar for at least 15 minutes until police arrived.

'I wouldn't be thinking of the victims'
INTERVIEW WITH A BURGLAR: Giving up a life of crime is hard when jail is welcome relief from a gruelling reality.

Inside the mind of an ex-burglar
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Adrian Pritchard once preyed on communities - now he's helping them.

Brian Rudman: Cops chasing tokers while burglars roam
We're supposed to accept there aren't enough resources available to get the police out with their magnifying glasses to track the miscreants down.

Watch: Burglary victim forced to solve case himself
A Remuera burglary victim Tim Mason had to go out to a Manukau petrol station to get CCTV footage of the burglar, after police told him it was the victim's job to get that evidence.

Anatomy of a burglary
It can take just seconds for a burglar to smash their way inside a home, but the crimes take weeks and months to crack - if they are ever solved.

Burglary victim collects own evidence
A Remuera burglary victim had to go to a Manukau petrol station to get CCTV footage of the burglar, after police told him it was the victim's job to get that evidence.

Eagle-eye view of burglaries
Tim Briggs spent eight years as a police helicopter pilot and he saw plenty of burglaries unfold beneath him.

Watch: Police prioritise burglaries in NZ
Inspector Dave Glossop from Counties Manukau police explains how the police prioritise burglaries for best outcomes, but say their complicated nature means they are hard to solve.

Watch: Thefts pure survival for many
When the footsteps stopped and he heard the door close, John Mackie would kick, smash and sneak his way into the house he was sleeping under and get to work. He would have a shower, something to eat and wash his clothes before he began searching for things to steal.

Barry Soper: Burglary isn't the cops' top priority
There are few worse feelings than opening the door of your home to see drawers pulled out and stuff strewn around the place, writes Barry Soper.

Watch: Community leader helping prevent crime
South Auckland community leader Joseph Fa'afiu said he believed inter-generational crime was to blame for the high level of burglaries.

Who do burglars hit hardest: rich or poor?
New data shows the areas hardest hit by burglaries are the most deprived parts of the country, and it is the people living there who are committing the crimes.