80 selected for Erebus flight
Eighty people who lost family members in the 1979 Erebus tragedy will travel to Antarctica on a remembrance flight this summer after their names were drawn in a ballot.
Eighty people who lost family members in the 1979 Erebus tragedy will travel to Antarctica on a remembrance flight this summer after their names were drawn in a ballot.
Germany will make the last of its First World War reparations payments this weekend - 92 years after the end of hostilities.
Auckland's St James Theatre is part of one of five convention centre bids being considered.
Auckland is a multicultural city and its Heritage Festival should reflect that multicultural heritage. Events are a bit too Pakeha-based, but the walks make for pleasant discovery - and it's free.
Witi Ihimaera's novel The Trowenna Sea, which was accused of plagiarism, won't be republished, despite an amended version being promised.
The Govt will contribute up to $10m to assist with the repair and restoration of character buildings in quake-hit Canterbury.
Tariana Turia, co-leader of the Maori Party, writes about the foreshore and seabed debates and tides of change.
Oamaru's red waterfront sheds have a story to tell, writes Don Donovan.
In World War II the railway line between Thailand and Burma was built by Allied prisoners of war and Asian labourers to give the Japanese an overland supply route.
Dibley has the redoubtable vicar Geraldine, and Hororata has the Rev Jenni Carter.
A new book documenting New Zealand's restaurant history busts the myth that dining out is a recent Kiwi hobby.