Latest fromHistory
More horror sites set to be added to busy tourism trail
The place where the body of Pol Pot, the former Khmer Rouge leader, was unceremoniously burned in a pile of rubbish is set to be the latest location from Cambodia's dark recent history to be transformed into a tourist spot.
Revisiting a master storyteller
There were years when, as both authors and as publishers, A.H. and A.W. Reed were the main source of Maori myth and legend for New Zealand readers.
Offensive names disappear as Americans redraw map
For more than a century, Negrohead Mountain has towered over the countryside north of Malibu, offering unrivalled views of the Pacific to generations of hikers.
The adventures of Felix Kelly
Expat artist Felix Kelly is little known in his homeland but his colourful life story reads like a movie.
Couple give island to Auckland
Benefactors have funded a 99-year lease of Rotoroa Island to create a conservation park.
Villagers wait for the Duke to come home
Tanna legend says that Prince Philip will visit the island in 2010.
Sewage pipe to be kept as monument
One of Auckland's oldest eyesores - the concrete sewer pipeline across Hobson Bay - is to join the city's list of 14,000 historic sites.
Spywatchers pick Mossad signature
Was Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, behind the assassination in Dubai?
Secrets of Egypt's King Tut revealed
Egypt's most famous pharaoh, King Tutankhamun, was a frail boy who suffered from a cleft palate and club foot.