Mini-bursts of exercise can help you sleep longer, study suggests
A three-minute session can increase your sleep time by 30 minutes.
A three-minute session can increase your sleep time by 30 minutes.
Working with New Zealand’s iconic rugby team was a pinnacle she never thought she'd reach.
You can learn to overcome it by understanding it and using certain helpful strategies.
Kenneth Law has been charged with 14 counts of first-degree murder in Canada.
OPINION: 'Please hospo, give us a bit more to actually eat, especially vegetables.'
New York Times: Dentists talk charcoal toothpastes, flavoured coffees and more.
Is an oral contraceptive the right choice for you?
New York Times: What fibre supplements can and can’t do for your health.
OPINION: Proponents often ignore evidence that highlights meditation's adverse effects.
OPINION: Many young users seem unaware of the dangers posed by nitrous oxide.
Some say the changes should have come sooner, while others say it will cause direct harm.
The 52-year-old got hold of the weight loss drug through a US clinical trial.
OPINION: Sickness in children is non-discriminatory. It is a relentless equaliser.
New York Times: Choosing when not to work out can be as important as the exercise itself.
Peter Copeman, 93, has no doubt he would be blind if he did not have a simple eye test.
New York Times: E-cigarettes are common but the health system is yet to catch up.
Student nurses said nothing could have prepared them for what was in the exam.
Telegraph: Although the pandemic is long over, for many people their illness continues.
Joe Biden has Covid - but a diagnosis in 2024 isn't the same as it was in 2020.
'Won’t be able to care for all of them because there won’t be enough time.'
Getting enough sleep is important for brain development.
The study looks at the effect excessive nitrous oxide usage had on 12 patients, aged 16 to 50. Video / NZ Herald
In today’s headlines with Chereè Kinnear, it’s one year since Yanfei Bao’s disappearance, SkyCity casino to close for five days and tough news for those on the job hunt.
New study identified oral health inequities for Māori
Drivers will be randomly tested for cocaine, methamphetamine, and cannabis.
Nitrous oxide has been abused as a recreational drug, where canisters are inhaled.
The woman initially thought the sex toys were 'oddly shaped' face massagers.
Officials should apologise over handling of pensioner's complaint, says concerned reader.
Replacing the TV with light activity, or sleep for some people, can enable healthy ageing.
'I don’t do genital mutilation of minors,' a manager wrote, using work email.