Chris Keall: Death of the DHBs a chance to give health tech a new life
Dysfunctional patchwork of solutions needs to be replaced.
Dysfunctional patchwork of solutions needs to be replaced.
Government's plan has been met with shock, concern and scepticism from some.
Mixed views from MPs to major health overhaul
Expert says 75 vaccinations a day 'would be a lot for many surgeries'.
The Auckland airport worker who tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday despite being fully vaccinated cleaned a plane that brought a returnee with the virus back to New Zealand on April 10.
New York Times: Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness.
Opinion: Transparency will be the most important part of the health reforms.
New Zealand's 20 DHBs will be replaced by one national body from July next year.
New York Times: Could getting too little sleep increase chances of developing dementia?
Diabetes patient John was prescribed insulin for 10 years, until he met Dr Glen Davis.
Blair Vining, 39, dedicated his last months fighting for better cancer care across NZ.
Tests are delayed. Medical oxygen is scarce. Hospitals are understaffed and overflowing.
Wellington train commuters were handed the official-looking pamphlets yesterday.
All of New Zealand's 20 District Health Boards will be replaced by one.
All of New Zealand's 20 district health boards will be replaced by one, single national health body responsible for the running of all hospitals, the Government has revealed. Video / Mark Mitchell
Here's a bold idea for change: Make it legal for Māori to use cannabis.
There are three new locations of interest connected to the airport cleaner.
Opinion: Perhaps, just perhaps, stop tinkering around the edges of healthcare.
Concoctions prepared for swallowing may lead to drawn-out and or painful deaths.
New project led by Covid-19 expert Michael Baker aims to purge other infectious diseases.
'Encourage your sisters, your mothers, your daughters, your friends, #SmearYourMea.'
In the face of a deluge of misinformation, Māori are mobilising to keep their own safe.
Young Labour is the latest youth wing to take a stronger stance on drug law reform
DHBs urged to review whether institutional racism and unconscious bias isn't the cause.
Rest home's incompetence meant the woman suffered in her final days.
Exciting moment turned into a stressful and concerning time for couple.
Mask, yes. Jab, no. What else? Read on.
Julie Ann Hamilton died after an operation in hospital; hundreds have paid their respects.
Drug abuse among people over 65 is a hidden and growing problem, says expert.
THE CONVERSATION: Struggling Kiwis no better off after much-heralded 2019 funding boost.