Safety fears as supplement sales soar along with Covid cases
Experts say health supplements should be treated with the same caution as pharmaceuticals.
Experts say health supplements should be treated with the same caution as pharmaceuticals.
A record daily number of cases on Saturday was followed by 143 cases on Sunday.
DHBs were given a deadline of August 31 - but it appears that's been abandoned.
Counties Manukau DHB needs 5,354 more first doses before it hits the 90 per cent goal.
It would be 'very worrying' if people visited a Covid-19 home isolation address - expert.
There were 143 Covid-19 cases announced in the community but there was some good news for Christchurch and vaccination numbers across Aotearoa. Video / NZ Herald
Project won't go out for tender until December, despite predicted Covid surge.
National is calling for royal commission of inquiry into Government's pandemic response.
A pediatrician explains how the drug was tested for safety and efficacy by the FDA.
A personal trainer broke down after his client achieved the unthinkable in four months.
Andrew Little says unvaccinated Covid patients will put pressure on hospitals.
Virus-fighting antibodies linger in Kiwi Covid-19 patients nearly a year after infection.
Vaxxed Sasha Holden was denied a compassionate exemption to visit her father Lyell Beard.
Yesterday's record 160 cases means contact tracers won't interview each case several times
Cases number are only trending up. Will Government's traffic light system cope?
The pilot was put through medical checks and then grounded during a period of turmoil.
Covid-19 was a lot worse than he thought, and he's now advising people to get vaccinated.
"You'll either get vaccinated or catch it over the next year. It's that simple."
Christchurch rushes to vaccinate, Northland is nine weeks away and Auckland inches ahead.
Shareholders meet in a virtual forum today to get updates on performance.
Auckland University chemist Ph.D. Dr Joel Rindelaub's Covid rap. Video / Dean Purcell
A new ministry is part of the government's promise to reform disability services.
Ambulance was called by wife after husband started struggling to breathe.
Thirteen other close contacts have been identified in Christchurch.
In total there are 125 new community cases across the country today.
Testing surge in Canterbury as people flock to check if they have Covid-19
Christchurch house "inhabitable", causes child to suffer serious heart condition
There are now 14 locations of interest in Christchurch listed by the Ministry of Health.
Brad Stephenson is on day 13 of MIQ, but staff are driving him to visit his dying father.