The surprising health benefits of drinking beer
Could a glass of beer a day help you live longer? The signs are certainly encouraging!
Could a glass of beer a day help you live longer? The signs are certainly encouraging!
We all know sleep matters for job performance. After a week of vacation, you may find your work better than ever.
It's a pretty universal desire. I'm not talking about the living-forever wish - I mean having a flat belly.
Turmeric, the spice that gives curry powder its distinctive yellow color, is being studied for its ability to halt the production of cancer cells.
Although it's been more than five years since coconut oil began its meteoric rise in the U.S.
The glorious bounty of food that surrounds us this time of year makes the season a celebration.
As your friendly neighbourhood Life Coach, I am often asked how to "let go". How to let go of past hurt. Betrayal. Abandonment. Lack
COMMENT: Here are 10 consoling things that helped me be a little less...um, salty...this week.
Brian Turner may have found the secret to curing acne for good.
It may seem practical to keep fruits and veggies from spoiling by storing them in the fridge, but there's one variety that should stay out on the counter.
We have often been told that doing some gardening can benefit us physically. Now scientists believe getting outdoors to rake the
My partner suffers from complex regional pain syndrome. Are there any plant medicines that can be used to help with chronic pain?
Forty people today, tomorrow, and every day this year, will be diagnosed with diabetes.
A single mother has advised others to ingest semen if they want to avoid a winter cold.
From 'big and bouncy' 1980s busts to today's subtle lifts, a surgeon reveals how implants have changed through the decades (and the celebs we can thank).
Adults who drink just one can of fizzy drink a day have a 46 per cent higher chance of developing pre-diabetes.
Efforts to tackle a major eye problem that can lead to blindness could be boosted by a world-first Kiwi study into newly discovered and potentially game-changing adult stem cells.
Now there's a radical new recipe for healthy minds - and the good news is, pasta and wine are back on the menu, says Chloe Lambert.
Reality star and celebrity mum Yolanda Hadid has compared Lyme disease to HIV in an emotional appearance at an event in Sydney.
Barrymore has a figure every mother of two dreams of but her weight loss secret sounds a little harrowing.
Forget almost everything you know - what you remember probably didn't happen. And there's a bizarre theory to explain it.
Men would rather give up sex and alcohol for a year than go bald.
A beautiful UK woman suffering from body dysmorphia tried to take her own life after saying she felt too 'ugly' to show people her face.
Before you decide to resign from your job, think about resigning from some of the aspects of the role that are making you unhappy.
Doctors have issued a warning about consuming too many energy drinks after a patient who had five cans a day developed the disease.
Scientists say pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to women and are better at passing on their genes.
You might want to keep quiet about this at a bodybuilding competition - but having bigger muscles does not necessarily make you any stronger.
As we reach - and pass- the age of 50, it is a time to reflect. David Slack says it should not be a time to regret.
COMMENT: Milk without reintroduced permeates is available and costs little more than one that tastes more watery.