Latest fromHealth & Wellbeing

High-tech health gadgets coming to NZ
AI is about to help families keep an eye on their ageing loved ones.

How to live happily and healthy to 100
Top tips to live well til you are old enough to get a telegram from the Queen.

Bachelor star opens up on health battle
Bright, who has Crohn's, will be hanging out with kids suffering from the bowel disease.

The ultimate workout for lazy girls
Why 'Low-Intensity Sustained State' exercises are as important as intense gym-binges.

Belle Gibson's downfall revealed in new book
A new book reveals the exact moment Gibson knew her stories had come back to bite her.

Weird Science: Sleep longer and you'll eat better
Sleeping for longer each night can help us eat healthier, scientists say.

Parents desperate to stop baby 'turning to stone'
There is no cure for baby An An but his parents are refusing to give up hope.

Vegan's bizarre rant at tofu-eater
Vegan accuses social media user of "pretending to be a vegan" and "stealing what we need".

The truth about cheese, carbs and weight loss
Aussie Nutritionist busts the biggest health myths you may have fallen victim to.

Inside Kiwi Victoria's Secret model's fridge
Here's how Auckland-born fashion model Georgia Fowler keeps her killer figure.

How often you should actually wash household linen
It may be a dull task but necessary in keeping your family germ free.

Summer Hacks: How to lose the Christmas kilos
Top tips for losing the kilos from the festive season. Made with funding from NZ On Air.

Why this woman wishes she was still obese
After losing 76kg, a mother has been left lamenting life in her once obese body.

Body builder tried to 'push through' flu - it killed him
He looked like the face of fitness. Now his family has a warning for others.

2018 gadgets: Talking toilets, snuggle robots and diet headbands
Are you ready to talk to your toilet and use a headband for weight loss?

Japanese stone therapy to release toxins
Cooler than a typical sauna, reporter finds stone therapy "tolerable".

'The surprising way I quit drinking'
I'm not an alcoholic, but it was hard to quit drinking. Here's how Keri Wiginton did it.

5 tips to get kids sleeping in their own bed
Sleep expert's five top tips for stopping children coming into parents' bed at night.

Ways to unwind: Salt Cave Halotherapy
It's meant to be good for all sorts of health conditions.

Fitness star Ashy Bines slammed with customer complaints
Customers of Ashy Bines claim they're being ripped off by her fitness empire.

The NZer who makes a living doing handstands
Miguel Sant'ana travels the world teaching people how to perform handstands.

Ancient Filipino hilot massage for healing
Reporter gets a traditional Filipino hilot massage.

The best and worst diets so far
Experts tell which ones you should be investing your time and money in.

Tobacco giant vows to quit smoking
Tobacco giant Philip Morris says its New Year's resolution 'won't be easy'.

Has the world's biggest penis been exaggerated?
Scans have brought the size of the world's biggest penis into question.

Niki Bezzant: Five words never to use about food
COMMENT: A great NY resolution would be to stop using certain words in relation to food.

Sir Ray Avery on what really matters in life
Sir Ray Avery, 70, on discovering what really matters in life.