Opinion: David Seymour putting cart before horse on health insurance
OPINION: Medsafe must first approve off-label medicines, insurers say.
OPINION: Medsafe must first approve off-label medicines, insurers say.
Some 'high priority' residents waiting nearly six months to enter rest care facilities.
Rapid growth of corporate GP ownership has upsides - but also some new pressures.
Clinical director and GP Vicky Jones discusses NZ’s doctor shortage.
Users have been told to dispose of the products and check with a GP for side-effects.
Surgery wait times, student achievement, crime and welfare are part of the plan.
The Government announces a suite of policy as Parliament returns for another sitting week.
The ministry is proposing job cuts to meet its savings targets.
Ministry of Health proposes to slash 134 roles entirely to meet Govt savings directive.
The updated test results mean there are no known cases of measles in the community.
Those affected recently spent time in Auckland, Waikato and Tauranga.
A 'full withdrawal' of labour will take place on April 2.
Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey says a plan will be presented to Cabinet next month.
Studies have shown little evidence for performing surgery on people with chronic pain.
The window between Easter and school holidays was decided the best time to inform staff.
Hospice Waikato needs help to bridge an ongoing operational shortfall of $4 million.
Ministries are urged to find savings between 6.5 and 7.5 per cent on average.
Pressure is growing on the Government to act, after Australia decided to ban the stone.
The new rule means every child with cancer receives the same access to vital medicine.
"We had to just watch him die."
There is now no overnight doctors service between Whangārei and Auckland's North Shore.
The ministry has paused recruitment and is looking to defer spending where possible.
New research shows underfunding is forcing some clinics to cherry-pick healthy patients.
4803 new cases had been reported, and 24 further deaths attributed to the virus.
It was four months before she found out what type of surgery she'd had.
One nurse says she gets twice the pay, free return airfares, accommodation and a car.
But a provider says it will put them in line with other courts around the country.
The final item of the 100-day plan was completed with the PM in Northland.
The owner says closing site was a difficult decision after it lost 'quite a few' GPs.
Staff surveys said four in five GPs had closed books or limited enrolments.